Big thanks to ace1204 and Derek_S


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I made a quick trip up to Atlanta to pick up some stuff. I stopped by ace's work and met him. Sorry if you caught some flack about the name; as we were pulling into the parking lot, my girlfriend asked "Do you even know this guy's real name? How do you know he's not a serial killer?" and I realized I didn't know his first name and had to ask for "ace" lol. Anyways, he had a nice selection of frags for me in a cooler and he really went out of his way to bag them up and bring them in to work.

I then went down to Derek's house and after waiting 5min on this guy trying to get in the visitor entrance, we finally got through (after laying on the horn a minute, and worrying about being shot, lol) and got in to his place. The tank there is very nice, but it's weird, his 140 doesn't look as deep as my 75 from the front, though it's an extra 6". We chatted while my girlfriend was checking out the fish (she now wants me to get an anthias..:doh: ..thanks...).

Anyways, he took a few frags out of his tank and even fragged one while we were there. He also gave me a few bulbs to try out and he's sending me some Enkamat (was in a hurry and forgot to ask). I practically had to force this guy to take some money, and he only took it after I told him I couldn't take the bulbs for free.

Best thing of all, when we got back in the car, my girlfriend's first words were, "Wow! Both of those people were totally normal," lol, followed by, "His tank is bad a$$!" and "How long before yours looks like that?"

So, anyways, thanks again guys, I really appreciate yall helping me get my reef started and I hope I can return the favor to some other new member one day. I'll try and get some pics tomorrow if everything opens up nicely. I'm planning to re-aquascape sometime soon with a drill and some acrylic rod, so for now the frags are just placed in there where they won't bother each other, but soon they'll hopefully be in permanent homes. FWIW, as soon as the Frogspawn went in the tank the clowns were checking it out, so hopefully they host it. All in all, I probably picked up 10-12 good frags today, a nice variety at that, met some great guys, and probably most importantly, convinced my girlfriend that yall aren't weird and this is a real hobby, lol.

:up: :up: :up:
haha I've experienced the exact same things lately. But with my parents and my roommate. They get nervous about me meeting people. I mean rightfully so... got to be cautious.. but everyone I've met in person here has been super nice and I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am today in experience with this hobby without them. And we're not weird... well.. maybe some of us...
Glad to hear others have had great experiences as well :thumbs:
haha, it is a tough sell indeed. the one to the significant other i mean...

Sounds like a fun day.
It wasn't that hard of a sell. We stopped by "Build-a-Bear" when we first got to town. It's amazing what a stuffed animal with a full outfit will do for a girl's mood, lol.
Next time you come into town let me know and I'll see if I can get some frags together out of my tank for you.
I'll do that. I had a very short time frame for this trip. Most likely the next time I'll be in town is Superbowl weekend and I'll have to get what I can on Sunday on the way out of town.
Dang, I knew you were coming to town I would have met you with that pump.... Glad you got to meet some nice people and see a nice tank.
Well I didn't know I would be coming in until like on Wednesday night, and I thought you already mailed it, lol.

I'm going to start trying to schedule my visits once a month and try and play it off as going home with my girlfriend for a few days, lol, see how long that hidden agenda lasts...
Thanks man it was good meeting you too lmk next time your coming maybe i can throw ya some freebies
Yeah, I'll have to catch you at home next time. I'd like to see your tanks in person. I have a feeling pictures don't do them justice (at least, my pics always look worse than my tank in real life)... Anyways, thanks again!
My tank is ok still needs a lot of work, if you havent seen Jin's in person that is one tank i highly recommend seeing, its amazing, really something to look at!!
Yup I have met a few people from this site, and everyone is AWESOME! I am convinced that most people with Saltwater tanks are nice normal people with no intentions on killng people:D