Bigger, brighter Pico lighting


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I really wasn't happy with the low output of the stock light. I figured I'd try this fixture/setup out. Picked it up local for 40, decent price I think. If I don't fry everything in the tank, this should work out well.

is that the 2X18 watt coralife? looks nice, I have one of those. or well had, not its sitting atop our 2.5 in the store.
Yep, Nishant. Josh showed me that light when I got the frags. Nice light! I placed it too soon, not acclimating with screen properly. I didn't kill anything, but I did put the 9 watt back until I can get a screen in place.
hmmm i dont know whether that jumpw ould be enough to really cause too much of a shock, the only think thats really a problem is hte heat which it looks like you should be able to deal with okay since the light is elevated. we went from a 2X9 watt to the 2X18 watt but the corals didnt look like they got shocked. I think the main think corals need to be acclimated to are MHs.