Bio Balls?


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I have a 50 gal all in one (no lower sump). Plenty of Rocks and sand. Up and running since late Nov except NO3 (now doin well) and PO a little high. I have seen several things about slowly removing bio-balls. Does anyone have any thoughts?
I edited your title to Bio Balls.  :)

Just make sure you remove a small amount at a time.  It will allow the biological system to stabilize.  Are you planning on replacing them with live rock?
I already  have at least 1lb per gallon in the tank. I was going to let the “empty” wells just hold filter pads/sponges.
as a generalization reef systems no longer make use of bio balls or filter pads. If you have adequate LR (it doesn't take as much as once thought) you will be fine on surface area for bacteria to colonize. The addition of the other elements only offers a chance to trap nutrients.
Ok so I pulled out some of the bios and water is a little cloudy. Thinking it’s a bacterial bloom. Wait it out or freak out?
I had the same issue when I removed some rock. My tank got so cloudy that you couldn’t see from front to back. Cleared up in about a week