Biocube lighting options???


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Great site everyone! My tank has been up approximately four months. Acclimating well with good water parameters. I have been reading a lot about lighting upgrades. Currently I have the stock lighting. I have a few soft corals and would like to add a bubble tip anenome. These require more lighting that the stocks. I have seen the DIY and am considering some. However, I really like the MH hanging pendant look. Has anyone had experience with the Fishneedit 150w, pendant light? Is 14000 to much light for anenome or sps? I really like the price and hoped to save on some cost. I may want to up size my tank in the future. Any suggestions on other options would be appreciated.

1 frogspawn frag
3 mushrooms
1 xenia frag
1 green star polyp frag
1 yellow toad stoul frag
1 zoq frag
2 false percs
1 six line wrase
30lbs live rock
2 inch sand bed
8 blue leg hermit crabs
10 assorted snails
What size tank is it?

IME, BTA do fine under the stock lighting. I had what started as 1 small BTA under 2x65W PC for 8 years before we changed to 4x24W T5HO 3 years ago. The anemones are huge and we've removed 7 clones, we always leave 2 in the tank and right now we need to remove a clone as there are 3 in there now.

We have a 12-g Aquapod we retrofitted with an Ecoxotic 12W Panorama just over a year ago, and the RBTA in there is huge now (needs to split!). In the larger tanks (24-29 g) we suggest 2 Panoramas.

IMO, metal halide is overkill for these small tanks and can lead to heating issues. I know many do use MH, but there are easier/more economical ways to do it.


It is a 30 gallon Biocube. I like to get a Green Bubble Tip. Some say they do not require as much lighting. I have purposely not placed a lot of corals until I get the anenome, so he can roam and get settled.
LED retro doesn't really generate heat. MH will though.
JennM;609356 wrote: LED retro doesn't really generate heat. MH will though.

I have installed two of the Ecoxotic 12W Panorama in my 14g Biocube and there is no heat issue what so ever. I can't say how well they do with coral as of yet because my tank is still new and doesn't have any corals in it yet. The LEDs look really nice too.
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Pic I took of our RBTA on Jan 29. One year and 2 weeks since we did the single Panorama upgrade. Thing is massive. Needs to split. Had a Frogspawn in there too, but had to take it out in Sept., it had grown too big and was shading everything under it.

I haven't put SPS in there yet (no room - BTA is a space hog)... but any LPS or softy we've put in has done great. Just over a year now.

Beautiful BTA! Where did you get the Panaroma LED's? A quy at my LFS offered to do a LED upgrade for $200.00 includes parts and labor. He would have an adjustable switch for whites and blues. He would keep my moon lights if wanted. Does this sound like a good offer? Also, does your BTA move alot? I've heard that Power Heads and pumps can be an issue.
I'm a sponsor LFS :)

Yes that's a good offer. We kept our moonlight too and we've kept them on upgrades we've done for others.

My Rose stays put most of the time but it does go walkabout occasionally and either finds its way back to its happy spot, or I help it.

Yesterday it moved about 4" up the tank and I wish it would move back (I wish it would split... it keeps making me think it's going to...)
