Biomatrix cubes


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Dacula, GA
I hope someone is on here who can answer this relatively quickly. Setting up.our new 40g breeder QT tank this morning. Transferring Clowns into larger tank. Sending some of their existing water and bio sponge from the HOB to the new tank. My problem is that my hob for the new tank is several sizes larger than the one I had on the 13g. Can I put the matrix cubes in that space with the seeded biosponge?
That's part of the reason I keep bioballs, matrix and other stuff like that in my sumps. It's like a big shot of bio-filtration wherever it might be needed. I've given it away to people setting up new systems for just this purpose.
That's part of the reason I keep bioballs, matrix and other stuff like that in my sumps. It's like a big shot of bio-filtration wherever it might be needed. I've given it away to people setting up new systems for just this purpose.

My canister on my freshwater tank is packed with biomedia. I have a large seachem bag (19"×17") in my sump nearly full of biomedia. 2 bags of matrix in my 29 and another in my biocube. Then more rubble and marine pure blocks and spheres.

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Thanks guys. This is the new kitchen QT rack with the 40g Breeder as new fish QT, the shelf with all the junk will hold the 13g tank and be for coral and invertebrates QT. We used a combination of way too salty RO water with fresh RODI to get salinity right then added the bio sponge and half of their existing tank water. Salinity is a little lower in the new tank, temp is the same. Mixed part of new water with part of their existing water and float acclimated them. So far they seem happy, hopefully this won’t be too stressful for them.


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Float acclimation is important to get the fish acclimated to the temperature of the new tank. Something else to keep in mind is that drip acclimation also plays a role when transferring fish from one tank to another when parameters may be different such as different salinity levels.

Love the set up, very clean and great to have a QT for fish, inverts and corals! Keep up the good work.
Thanks Dave! When we decided to do this we were thinking 1 tank, then it turned in one (for us) giant tank. Now It is one as-yet-to-be-plumbed 125 plus water station plus 2 QT tanks and a rack taking up a corner our my kitchen. Went to Classic City Aquariums this past weekend to take pics of his plumbing to see if we can figure this thing out!!
If we want to be refers we need to learn how to build and maintain every aspect of our system :-)