Black Ick?

fish scales2

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I came home Saturday night and saw that my Bariene Tang had black spots all over it, Sunday my Orange shoulder was infected. I proceeded to feed with Garlic and began feeding every 10-15 minutes in very small amounts. This morning everyone was looking better, so I thought. When I got home a few minutes ago my Bartletts Anthias & Red lip blenny were being devoured by the crabs and every other fish is either covered in white spots or black spots. My tangs are looking horrible. I thought this was turbellarian flatworms but I am now wondering. Any thoughts on treatment for these guys. I contiplated starving but now that the wrasses are showing white spots I dont think that would be of any service to those guys. 350# of rock in a 120 might have just proven to have been an issue as turbs feed on detritus and my biggest issue is water flow behind the rocks. I will post parameters in just a few minutes but I am sure they are now a bit altered due to the several fish that are now decaying. My wife just found my Orange flanked fairy wrasse.:boo:
I guess you already know this, but I feel healthy fish in good h20 conditions can resist both bi and mi. Are you sure you're params are OK. Something has to be out of whack to lose fish to any form of ick, let alone have it pass to several fish.
NH3=0.05 mg/l (ammonia)
NO2=<.2mg/l (nitrite) have not shown ANY level in over 1 year
NO3=<10 (nitrate) been much higher and slowly coming down for several months.

Saturday night I showed no ammonia, no nitrites and 20 mg/l nitrates. I just dont believe that these levels of nitrates can cause this.

I have been raising my calcium and alkalinity pretty sharply for just over 2 weeks but do not think that had any thing to do with it."></a>

here's some info. I would ask Jeremy, though.
Black ich is most prevalent on Hawaiian tangs, notable yellow tangs, but Barienes are caught in Hawaii too, I believe. regardless, it is pretty easy to treat. Formalin bath them several times, over several days. You can also FW dip them, but if you are inmteretsed in killing them for sure, formalin will do the job.