Black Trigger in Reef tank?


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Has anyone had a large black trigger fish in thier reef tank? I currently have a large blue jaw trigger and have no problems.
If you're talking about a Durgeon Trigger I would not. They're awesome fish and do a really good job eating little fish, snails, crabs, shirmp,etc.
Well, its too late, I just bought him. So far everything has been good. He is about 9" long. He tasted a few coals, but didn't like them and spit them out. I have a fire shrimp and several other small fish that would be a small bite, but he doesn't both them, so far. I will post some pics soon.
A durgeon trigger is a niger trigger right? That reminds me of the time I mispronounced the latter name for this particular trigger... Anyways, some people have had success integrating them into reef tanks. Not nearly as reef safe as the blue throats, but you may have gotten lucky. That being said, its still a trigger and if it fits in its mouth its typically called trigger food.
What size tank is this? A 9" black trigger? It must be a big reef tank.
I thought niger and durgeon are two completely different triggers and that the niger is more docile. We have one in a 125g and he's been fine for 2 months. Pretty sure durgeons are more aggressive. I've read of them attacking divers that get close to their nests in the wild.

I don't know what a black hawaiin trigger is. Would like to see a picture.
Keep in mind that when fish first come into an aquarium many loose their appetite for a few days. I would keep this guy fed well... if not he will likely start in on everything.
FutureInterest;118466 wrote: A durgeon trigger is a niger trigger right? That reminds me of the time I mispronounced the latter name for this particular trigger... Anyways, some people have had success integrating them into reef tanks. Not nearly as reef safe as the blue throats, but you may have gotten lucky. That being said, its still a trigger and if it fits in its mouth its typically called trigger food.

Nope he is not talking about a Niger trigger.... He is talking about one of these....... They have the same temperment as the Nigers,from what I have read,but still a bit iffy in a reef tank.
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Linda Lee;118469 wrote: Niger is more docile. We have one in a 125g and he's been fine for 2 months. picture.

Cross your fingers or knock on wood :)
From Marine Center :

This handsome triggerfish is one of the most sociable of the clan. Because of its hardiness and more passive disposition, this species is a great choice for the beginning aquarist, and community tanks. It can be kept with peaceful fishes, of equal-size or larger, or with more aggressive fishes that are smaller than it is. Most specimens collected for the trade are on the large side; if you want a small one, you should consider
a> unless you can wait forever. Unlike some of its cousins, this fish is less likely to rearrange the aquarium decor or dig holes in the substrate. It can be shy when initially introduced to aquarium, but will become quite tame in time.
K. My knowledge of triggers has been expanded. Gratzi! I like triggers as they have the coolest swimming style but I just can't have one in my small lil tank. I tried a baby blue throat but it ate one of my flashers so I had to give it away. :(