Bleached Monti - everyone else ok - help!


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Tank is a JBJ30 and light is a Kessil A360

All parameters are rock solid, tank has been stable for 2 years. As you can see by the video, even the red guy next to him is happy and showing growth. The green guy, not so much. Bleaching just started after I changed to Apex lighting schedule to the following:

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Here's the video:"></a>

The light levels are no more than they were to start with other the ramping of color/intensity. Prior to the Apex program it was simply an on/off timer everyday for the same period of time.

As a precaution I've taken the max power/intensity of the Kessil from 75% to 60% max to see what happens.

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Any ideas?
First thought is too much light, did you change the position of the Kassil (maybe more direct light)?
dball711;1088808 wrote: First thought is too much light, did you change the position of the Kassil (maybe more direct light)?

Same position.

I think it's just too much light. Weird how one coral can react but not one right next to it.

I'll see how things shake out with the reduced light level.

How quickly should it recover?
check for Montipora eating nudibranch, they will go from one piece to the next. You may want to get a magnifying glass to check for them as they are really small.
Bcavalli;1088822 wrote: check for Montipora eating nudibranch, they will go from one piece to the next. You may want to get a magnifying glass to check for them as they are really small.

Yikes! Hopefully it's just light but I'll check for those as well.
Imho its not light. Montis can take huge amounts of light, and in fact often thrive in super high light. I had montis only a few inches under a 400w MH and they loved it. I'm betting you may have a trace element that you don't test for that is out of whack, or as was suggested a pest of some kind.

This is of course assuming the alk, calc and mag have all indeed been solid at NSW levels....imo 7.5 to 8.0dkh, 420ish calc, 1350 ish mag.

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just the monti eh...


you COULD have monti eating nudies..
I had them a while back too...
IMO that is a LOT more likely than being able to track down a miscelaneous out of line trace element, but thats just my opinion

Keep an eye out early in the morning before the lights come on.. sometimes they will venture out onto the glass and are easier to see.
Look on the underside of the monti for any eggs or nudies... they can kinda make it look rough looking
Thanks for the all the replies. I'll check levels again today.

Alk is good, I test every two days on that one.
Torqued;1088880 wrote: Imho its not light. Montis can take huge amounts of light, and in fact often thrive in super high light. I had montis only a few inches under a 400w MH and they loved it.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Not mine, Brain Freeze, Beach Bum, Phoenix & ASD Rainbow Poenix are all light sensitive. I need to keep them in indirect light 20" down from a 6 bulb ATI fixture.
dball711;1088901 wrote: Not mine, Brain Freeze, Beach Bum, Phoenix & ASD Rainbow Poenix are all light sensitive. I need to keep them in indirect light 20" down from a 6 bulb ATI fixture.

Those fancy montis are pickier :). In the video clip it looks like a smallish green cap or or something similar. They can usually take intense light quite readily. It is unusual for it to show that kind of reaction to a minor lighting change unless it was already unhealthy to begin with...

You say your parameters are fine... but what are they? My first guess would be your alk is either spiking or it's just off. Other possibilities as mentioned by other include lighting and parasites. The latter is easy to check for since it's just a frag on the sand bed. Lighting can be adjusted accordingly as well since it's not mounted on your rock work. A few other possibilities include the lps in proximity perhaps beating on it at night... Or it could be excessive directed flow hitting the coral. They are all just theories though.

Sometimes Montis just crash. The slightest thing that ticks them off and POOF they are gone.

It is good to check parameters etc., to see if that's a warning to something bigger about to happen, but sometimes, crap happens.

Checked all parameters:

Calcium was low at 375
Mag was 1500
6.79 dKH is a little low
Temp is 77-78
No detected Nitrates or Nitrites
No ammonia
PH is 8.14

Everyone is super happy except this guy.

Checked for nudi's - nothing
You may want to use a magnifying glass to check for nudis. They are hard to spot as they are so small. They are smaller than a grain of rice. I really hope it's something else and Im just offering a suggestion. :)
Sidvicious;1089164 wrote: Todd I'm starting to think its that stunner that's pretty close to it.

Yeah, I moved him. He's in pretty bad shape right now. We'll see.
Still not seeing any Nudis.

Could phosphates be an issue? I don't have a test for that.

EDIT: Did some reading and I'm seeing that my system is basically a ULNS that I may need to remove my Purigen and/or Chemipure Elite.

Thoughts on that?