Bleeching Hair Algea?


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Help Please. I have a 6 by 4 inch long very thin piece of hard coral that was dead. It has a few feather dusters living on it. I have been using as a bridge from one live rock to another. About 6 weeks ago it started having hair algea grow out of it. I would like to keep it in the tank. I heard I could soak the piece in clorox to kill the algea. I am worried about then putting it back in the tank no matter how good I rinse it off. My questions is will this get rid of the algea and be safe to put back in or should I just throw it away. Thanks
I'm not sure if it'll help but you could try to soak that coral in vinegar or even a freshwater bath, granted the feather dusters will die but the algea will no longer be on it.
Hair algae will live through a freshwater dip. Cobler, best advice is to see why you are getting hair algae in the first place. Then go get a set of emerald crabs and a sally light foot crab. give it a week and watch the merical of the crabs before your very eyes! :) You could bleach your rock but know two things, you just turned your live rock into baserock (devoid of life) and you would need to wash the rock several times, using a good amount of de-clorinator (sp?), to be sure it is safe for the tank. Even then there is no gaurentee but that is the chance you take. I would go the crab rout and save the lives of your dusters.

*Note* if you do not cure the reason the hair algae is in there in the first problem, you are just going to have to battle it somewhere else.
I have 2 Emerald Crabs and they have not touched the algea. I have a 90gal tank and the algea has only shown up on this one small dead piece of coral. I just wanted to know if I rinsed the coral again and again after cleaning with clorox is it safe to back in the tank?
like, let it sit in there for awhile so it fully gets in all the crevases.