Blender Fragging.


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Ok folks, I have done almost 12 hours of research. This site, other sites, I have even watched YouTube videos. The video's do not have result follow up. This site has only joked about it, and most other sites are also inconclusive. :unsure: From what I gather I guess it is all dependent upon the type of Mushroom. Can a mushroom successfully be fragged (many times) via a blender/magic bullet? I can not name the type of Mushroom I am attempting to frag. I got it out of a frag tank originally. Three heads on 1lb rock. They do not get bigger than the diameter of a nickel (on good days) and I have adjusted depth, flow, light ect. I do not necessarily want a bunch more of this type, but I want what appears to be a colony. Not just.....three. I like seeing mushroom rocks where they overlap, and are decent sized. These things are maroon and dull. So I figure if I blend em up and put the original rock in a hang on device I will get a nice......colony. Just wondering if people have tried doing this before? (successfully) I have tried cutting them in half, through the mouth, they just healed back together. I do not have wedding veil or an "exacto" so other fragging methods seem more costly than just buying another frag.
you could try it, but the method is a <u>joke</u>. I doubt it works. If you want to frag a mushroom, use a razor and cut it in half.

I've heard of it before but have not physically seen the results.
@ Darcurr, I have tried, I guess with the texture of the live rock behind it, I could not get a solid cut. It curled to separate ways and appeared to be splitting, two days later it was one oblong piece, thinking again, this would be splitting. Nothing, now they are one again.
@Cool, thanks for the link! I read it, and that is about all I have found. I guess like they said, you have to be lucky to chop up the mouth into bits. Secondly though, this person did not give much detail. I have read about a few things, like making your own food, that running the blender too long can "cook" things. So possibly his soup became too hot. I do not know.

Final conclusion, I have read that they like dirtier tanks, I may make a smaller, "tank" for lack of a better word, with bad flow and no filtration whatsoever.
Blender fragging works!

I had a few pieces of mushroom covered rocks that I cleaned with a hard brush and let outside to dry.
The bucket however with the dirty water and mushroom "juice" was left on the porch - 2 weeks later the walls were covered with baby mushrooms...
Thanks Rob~! I neglected to mention in all of my research, they say some mushrooms will take if you cut pieces without the mouth, some require at least a piece of the mouth. I am I know if I cut the heads, and leave the feet, the feet will themselves grow back, I am going to buy a hang on breeder box and at least attempt it, as small as these three caps are, if it is a failure A) at least the feet will grow back B) they will not be missed C) I can document my true findings, for the next person following my tracks. I figure it is worth the learning experience.