Blenny is getting thin -- age or lack of food?


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I have a lawnmower blenny (my wife named Jack for obvious reasons:))

I've had him for nearly a year and he used to be fat as a pig -- now he's getting pretty thin. I feed him Nori and he loves it -- as long as the tangs let him have his share.

I have noticed that there's not as much algae for him to "kiss" off the side of the tank -- but I have plenty of well seasoned LR for him to munch on.

Is he starving or just perhaps getting old?

Oh now I get it "Jack Blenny", mine is named Murray....hope you get it. I have seen it happen before. Fat as can be next thing you know he has a innie for a belly. I wish I could help, I know mine also loves the algae on the glass.
Try algae based pellets. Mine in the tank at work digs them mostly, but will eat anything really. We call him The Guru
I was surprised to see mine with a mouth full of frozen mysis the other day.

But, he loves the sinking algae wafers too.

I do, though, keep a small fish bowl of saltwater with rubble and an air stone in the laundry room window in the afternoon sun to make sure I have algae to feed him. Just drop the rock in the tank and wait for him to clean it off.