Blond Naso Tang


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Can anyone Identify what this is on this Tang.
Is it some form of Ick?
We are adding Garlic,Zoe, and Vitamin C to the food
Do not want to add Kick Ick if I don't have too.
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Well, I can say it is not Ich... Or atleast does not appear to be. Unless the spots on his fins are the parasite and the white patches are where the fish has been scratching. It is hard to tell by the pictures what it could be. Can you describe the white "patches" with as much detail as you can...
My guess is that there is some internal parasite causing the fish to rub up against the rocks; do you see him "scratching" a lot? Hopefully it's not brook or oodium (if I'm spelling that right), but a bit more detail of his appearance would greatly help.
Have you observed him being picked on at all by the other fish? I notice you have a purple and a yellow tang in there too (2nd picture)... Just a thought.
its very possible some of the tangs are fighting or swatting with their tails, the bones in the tails are sharp hence the "Surgeonfish" name.
Oh, I also just noticed a fat Maroon clown in the first picture, which can be quite a bully, too...
From what I can tell from the pics, it looks like mechanical damage to me. Maybe from the rocks, as mentioned, or maybe from the other fish, as mentioned. Is this a new fish addition? Have you seen the other fish harassing it?

Usually it will subside, but soemtimes not. Keep an eye out.
All this helps a lot.
No the Tangs are pretty social with eachother, he is rather new though. Bobby had a whole tank full at Cappucino Bay.
He is eating, not scratching his self at all and the Maroon Clown only bites me when I put my hand in the tank.
The spots are smooth and there is nothing on his fins.
He has been in there for about a month now.
Have any of you heard of Cryptocaryon or Brooklynella.
Could it be a vitamin deficiency?
I will try to make some more pictures with some better focus on him.
Thanks for all your help.
Usually fins (and eyes) are the first to show disease/parasites, so it's a very good sign that they are clear, and I would say the chances of him having a parasite is unlikely because of this. Your thought on vitamin deficiency may be accurate, but I honestly haven't investigated it much.
I think he is just finding his place. Fish can dramatically change their color depending on mood and condition. I doubt that any type of vitamin deficiency would show itself as such clearly delinieated lines and marks- they would very very large and uniform blotches, if anything. I think you'll be alright- just make sure he doesn't get overly bullied- you have some potential troublemakers in your tank.