blonde naso eating?


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ok guys my sailfin eats off the veggie clip all the time but my blonde naso never touches the clip. The blonde does graze off the sand and rocks that have algae growing on them but never touches the clip. Is there something else i should be dropping in the tank to ensure he is getting enough food?
well i drop in some squid/brine shrimp and stuff like that every 2 days or so and i believe he has gone after that I mean he is swimming and all that stuff just fine out and about and he does graze off the rocks but i was just worrying that he wasnt taking the veggies from the clip cause i thought that was a main part of their diet.
That odd cause I have a large one that won't eat anything but the veggies. Have u tried soakin the algea in garlic?
no i havent tried any garlic yet. What type of garlic or garlic juice??? haha do you recommend buying to soak the food in?
Use Seachems Garlic guard. Just get a container that's super clean and lay a sheet of the algea and pour the the garlic guard it and let dry up in it and then put in. U can also buy the pellets tht have garlic in them all ready. I soak all my food in the garlic guard ( mysis/brine shrimp, squid) everything I feed has garlic in it mainly to keep the parasites away and most fish love the taste of it.
now i do have really small pellets that are Garlic soaked/flavored that i feed every day the clowns and chromis love it but the pellets are so small i have a feeling it would take a lot for the tangs to fill up on them.

the squid and brine shrimp i feed are the frozen cubes. I bought a variety pack so that there are like 4 or 5 different cubes. 1 is a variety cube 1 is squid 1 is shrimp and so on. when i soak these in garlic they will obviously thaw out then what once its thawed and sitting in the garlic just kinda pour it into the tank? I would obviously only want to put a very small amount of the garlic on the frozen cubes so that im not putting straight garlic juice into my tank correct?
you want to strain the frozen foods with like a brine shrimp net or a little less fine too prevent excess crap getting in the system that will do nothing but create nitrates...

wow my sailfin eats the vegies out of my hand...after I found one he likes. It took a few tries, but I found one he goes nutso over, so maybe if the garlic soak works you can go get a batch that already has some garlic in it (as I cannot stand messing with the stuff).
When do my frozen I get a small container with a top and I thaw enough to last a few days at a time and I keep it on my refrigetor door. Once thawed pour some garlic in the container and get a unused plastic spoon and just dip it in the container and the shrimp will just end up on the spoon and then dip in ur tank and ur fish will be settin there waitin and its so few that it even make it to the bottom. U don't want to pour that in ur take cause it will pollute ur water with to much goin in. I do this everyother day. The garlic acts as a repellet to the parasites just like most people feed there dogs garlic and yeast pills durin flea season.
its not my sailfin im having problems with.........its the blonde naso.

and really its not like hes not eating its jsut that he is eating everything except the veggies on the clip so i want to make sure he is getting enough to eat if that makes any sense.

i think i will try the garlic and go from there.
As long as he's eating I wouldn't worry. That's funny cause my naso won't eat anything but algea sheets. He attacks it like a shark in the water. But as long as he's eatin I really wouldn't worry about him
I was just saying maybe your blonde just does not like what you are offering. I was just comparing to my sailfin trouble I had a few weeks back. Yes try the soak. but:

the squid and brine shrimp i feed are the frozen cubes. I bought a variety pack so that there are like 4 or 5 different cubes. 1 is a variety cube 1 is squid 1 is shrimp and so on. when i soak these in garlic they will obviously thaw out then what once its thawed and sitting in the garlic just kinda pour it into the tank? I would obviously only want to put a very small amount of the garlic on the frozen cubes so that im not putting straight garlic juice into my tank correct?
dont just pour, strain it first. You can likely use enough to make sure it all can get that flavor, but you don't really want to add frozen food juice strait to the tank either...IMO.
ok cool i think i will start doing as you do Mizah.

what do you think of this plan.

my frozen pack as about 10 lines on each sheet. Each line has 5 different frozen cubes. What if i put one line (1 each of the 5 diff. cubes) into a plastic dish. Let them all thaw out and mix together put some garlic in there and feed a spoon of that like you were saying every other day. and then on the off days when i dont feed that i can use my garlic pellets.

Do you think that is a good idea?

also how often do you guys put a algae sheet on the veggie clip? I have been doing every other day is that to much or not enough?
stickx911;205524 wrote: I was just saying maybe your blonde just does not like what you are offering. I was just comparing to my sailfin trouble I had a few weeks back. Yes try the soak. but:

dont just pour, strain it first. You can likely use enough to make sure it all can get that flavor, but you don't really want to add frozen food juice strait to the tank either...IMO.

what do you guys use to strain? I have just been dropping the frozen food in my tank. From what i have been reading i see that is a bad thing?
I use a brine shrimp net.
I use the sheets everyday just because I like to watch my tang go at it like he'll never eat again...ha, but I hear twice a week is ok (from live aquaria) if you have a need to cut back.
petsmart/petco/lfs. its a small 2" fine net.