Blonde Naso sucked against powerhead


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Under the sea
So I woke up this morning to find my Blonde Naso Tang sucked against the side of one of my circulation pumps. I rescued him and see no indications of other issues. Unfortunately I have work, and am sure that I will continue to be stressed and think about him all day.

It’s a Koralia pump, very powerful but am unsure which model. It is not an issue of flow reversal in the pump.

Other fish have never had any issues with this pump. Including a variety of small fish, Tomini Tang, and him (he has been there for many months).

The tank is a 120g 6” display, mixed reef with numerous high end SPS, LPS, Softies, Nems, sponges, and unusual inverts that I love. So most tank-dosing of chemicals is ruled out.

My Blonde Naso is about 7”, and has been in the tank for maybe 6 months or so, eating a fat and healthy diet of mostly frozen food and Algae. And has shown no signs of any ailments/diseases. However, I saw some stringy poop recently and suspected worms. If he pulls through, I will set up the QT and do some PraziPro (and unfortunately, may have to do all my fish).

After the rescue, he had the grille marks on his side. Fins appear untattered. There is one injured spot on one of his fins: Maybe 5mm across.

His behavior; Naturally, he couldn’t swim well afterwords, his body was bent in the shape of the pump, and he was swimming upside down (swim bladder). But thankfully he was breathing! After several minutes, his body is straightened and he appears to be swimming upright. He found a dark crevice in the rock and is chilling, obviously stressed, and breathing heavily. Expectedly, he didn’t eat today.

What actions I took:
•Firstly, I turned off that darn pump! My tank will be fine without that one for the day, as there are two other less-powerful pumps in there.
•Checked my salinity and temp: 1.025 and 77.5*F (it’s quick and easy and always important)
•Cleaned my skimmer cup and left it off
•Added some API stress coat with aloe (haha, it’s been a lot of years since I’ve used this. Hopefully it helps a little)

•I debated setting up the QT then and there. But I was already slightly behind schedule and needed to go to work.
•Additionally, I knew the QT would impose additional stress. And my only QT right now is a 10g; pretty darn small for such a big fish (this is the only big fish I want in there; I prefer smaller fish, so a small QT isn’t a huge issue for now. I’ll get a bigger one when we buy a house)

I’m hopeful, but not optimistic. Seeing such heavy breathing worries me. I sincerely hope he is still breathing when I get home, and I will definitely be leaving work slightly early today.

I’ll keep y’all updated.
not to be a debbie downer but i think the blonde naso is a goner.

i, too, had the same experience. my blonde was actively swimming/eating for 3-4 months. then out of the sudden i feel like he was getting pushed around by the current made by the wavemaker. initially he would be able to ride the wave but as time progresses, i noticed that he's getting more pushed away. eventually he got sucked by the wavemaker like how yours is/was.
Hope it goes alright Andrew. It does sound like internal parasites that have weakened the fish... If he'll eat the medicated food its still possible to save him otherwise it sounds like QT is your best bet. I do have an empty acrylic 90 that you are welcome to borrow if you want to go the QT route.
Good luck! I had a similar case with a 4 inch naso being stuck to my overflow, which runs about 1800 to 2400 gph. I knocked him off and he was eating 30 mins later. No visible marks and I am guessing I caught it quickly.

Then my tank crashed a couple days later and he did too. My guess is he was already weakened by something as I had lost a couple fish already. I let my pH probes drift too far before calibrating, which I figured out a couple days later.

I hope he makes it!
Thank you sincerely everybody for your supportive words!

I concur that internal parasites, if present, are the most likely contributing factor given the current information. But I’ve been in the hobby too long to claim, if there are any, that they are the sole cause. @saltwaterwannabe i agree; this could also be luck of the draw like your story.

I understand the intuitive logic of “if he’s healthy, then he should be strong enough to not get injured” that many people abide by. But I disagree with that logic. Healthy animals, and people, get injured all the time. Making mistakes is part of life; and sometimes you get into tricky situations (especially around machinery). Hopefully, he will pull through and we, him and I, can learn from this.

I’ve had 50-50 experience with fish surviving such issues. Enough to worry me, and give me hope.

Jin, I don’t think I have space for a 90g. But I appreciate and will consider the offer today.
Evening Update: I got home from work and he is still alive. Unfortunately I can’t get a good look as he wedged himself deep in the rockwork (lol, this is what tangs are famous for doing). But when I touched his tail, he started flicking it gently. When I checked back 10 minutes later, he had repositioned himself and is almost out of sight.

I won’t move the rockwork now; for risk that it could shift and injure him as he is near the bottom. But I will wait and observe.
Morning update: Good news and bad news. He was still breathing. However, it is apparent that his swim bladder issue is not corrected.

I did a quick ~20-25g water change on the tank; and used the tank water in my WC tub as a temporary QT for him. I set up a heater, tiny circ pump (protected with an egg crate so he wouldn’t get stuck to it), an air pump, and some rocks and old unused pump as weight to secure the crate.

Dosed the water with PraziPro, and now crossing my fingers.

He is skinny; having not eaten in 2 days. (Also, the 2 days preceding that, he ate less nori than usual but equal frozen food). And the worms, if that’s what they are, were showing.

Below is a photo of my 30 min DIY setup.

Prazi definitely hits both external and internal. Maybe metro does only external. However, both can be used as a food soak for internal. This is the approach that I’ll probably use for my other fish.

Still... I might consider dosing metro and/or focus as well tonight. We will see. I’m still worried.
Unfortunately; he passed away last night.

Parameters of the QT were spot on when I was home; and I underdosed the Prazi. His weakened state plus the stress must have just been too much.

Lots of worms in the QT. So now I’m going to soak some food in meds and feed to the rest of my fish.
Unfortunately; he passed away last night.

Parameters of the QT were spot on when I was home; and I underdosed the Prazi. His weakened state plus the stress must have just been too much.

Lots of worms in the QT. So now I’m going to soak some food in meds and feed to the rest of my fish.

Best of luck. Nice meeting you today
Sorry to hear of your loss. It’s never a good feeling. Hope your other fish are okay!