Blonde Naso - to add or not to add


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I am going to a few sponsor stores today and told myself "if i see a good looking blonde naso, im taking it home!"

good idea or bad?

I currently have the following in my 210:

Regal Tang - 6-7"
2 maroon clowns
lawnmower blenny
4 stripe damsel
rainbow wrasse
TR clown

Ive heard to introduce new tangs in 3's or similar but i dont want another 3 tangs right now....
sounds like a great idea, he'll love the swimming room! A friend of mine has a tiny one in a 75g. Very active fish. She'll trade him off once he starts to get too big but I love watching him zip in and out of the rock.
thanks for the advice guys....I already have a few to choose from....we'll see what happens
I saw one this past weekend and wanted it so bad...But I only have a 90 w/ a Yellow & Hippo already... I need a bigger tank !!!