Blotched anthias question


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downtown Atlanta
Anybody in the Atlanta area kept one of these? Just wondering... it’s been on my fish wish list for awhile. I having ever seen any pet stores carry them.

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I had one in my last reef tank many years ago. They are great fish. Try asking a sponsor to order one for you. They are on the pricier side so they don't tend to order them if available unless it is requested.
I had one, they are such cool fish, but not very active in my experience. They don't swim around too much, just kinda prefer to float around in one spot like cardinalfish... Could have been my specific fish and probably would be more active if you had a shoal like BRS. You can see mine in the header photo. Unfortunately I got ich a few months back and he and a royal gamma died on me. I implemented a UV and all has been fine since then, of course it had to be my favorite fish that didn't make it.
They aren’t hard to get. Just expensive . I have 5 in my 250gallon before i took it down. They were only 60-90 per at the time. Not the ridiculous 300-350 they are now. They did surpassingly well being fed only 1-2 times i day with pellets.
I had a pair in my reef. They're awesome fish and if you have a cool ledge/cave that's large enough for them, you'll find them hanging out in there upside down!
They are occasionally available. There are 2 available in the US today, and they are $388 each. If interested, don't hesitate, as they will be gone in a few hours.
Anbody know if they have any compatibility issues with Fathead Sunburst anthias? Did you see there is one on LA today? For $400 though...
With the exception of squarebox, which are total pricks to everything, Anthias overall are very docile and social. I have never had aggression issues. Again except for squarebox... I swear they are a six line in disguise
I had a Square Back male with a harem of 3 & they got along in a 125 mixed reef. I would suggest at least this many females, as a minimum ratio. The only aggression I ever noted was the male occasionally chasing the females & all of them darting around at feeding times.
As for feeding, they relish small live foods like brine shrimp, mysis and baby guppies. I weaned the anthias over to prepared foods by mixing the two at feedings. The male eventually began to follow me along the tank whenever I walked by. Something he didn't do for anyone else, except my wife who fed them whenever I was away. They are grazers on the reef, with small throats, and really should be fed more than once per day. Great fish, with lots of personality, in my experience!