Blue Palm Coral or Sea Pen


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Has anyone ever had a Blue Palm Coral or a Sea Pen before?

Would like to know how well these did.

thanks for the 411

As far as "Sea Pen" are you talking Cavernularia Sp.?!? I have never kept on but I know someone who has... They are really cool. They are Bioluminescent but VERY hard to keep and if I remember require a VERY deep sand bed. They are not common for sale from what I know. The zooplankton and dertitus that it needs might not be able to be produced in large enough quantity by your 55G.

As far as a Blue Palm Coral: I have never heard of it unless it goes by another name.
Well as far as the Sea Pen, they do sell them on Marine Depot, was just wondering about them

and the Blue Palm coral is also knows as "Nephtheis fascicularis" and is avaliable on Aquacon.
We've talked to a couple of marine biologists who work for the Dept of Natural Resources in Florida about keeping Sea Pens in reef tanks and from their experience they would not recommend keeping one.

They are very difficult to keep alive for any length of time.
Regarding Aquacon, I would recommend that anyone considering doing business with them first do a Google search regarding them and the Better Business Bureau or click here for the BBB's latest update about them:"></a>.

I had a very poor experience with them, but that was 4 years ago.
Lifestudent wrote: Regarding Aquacon, I would recommend that anyone considering doing business with them first do a Google search regarding them and the Better Business Bureau or click here for the BBB's latest update about them:"></a>.

I had a very poor experience with them, but that was 4 years ago.[/QUOTE]

From the BBB site, it does not say that is the same as the company you had a bad experience with. [IMG]"></a> does not appear to be affiated with the
Contender: He is getting his coral from two spots... One from marinedepot and the other from aquacon.

Funny to me: name Aquacon meaning Aqua Con?!?
Contender I do not think that anyone that posted was implying that Marinedepot and Aquacon were affiliated with each other. Did you read the post incorrectly?