Blue Reef lobster in fuge?


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Thinking about putting one of these guys in my fuge. 3 large pieces of LR....more as I get my hands on it. 2 in sand bed and a ball of cheato.

nothing else.....just thought it be fun to have one......the fuge is a display fuge and its a 30 long.

Thoughts/ experiences?
Duuit! Goooo eetin

Other than lobsters potentially killing anything you banish to the fuge, I think it would be cool. As long as they dont eat the fauna you aim to have in the fuge.
That would be sweet, especially if it's a visible part of your system. On the subject of fuges, I just have lr in mine for now (no need for algae just yet, but soon). I haven't put any sand or "mud" in there. Any reason to?
Sand or mud just adds places for denitrification to occur. Also might provide some habitat for pods and other zooplankton, but by no means neccessary.

Mud I think over sand is more used for growing macros in. I could be wrong, but you dont really need the mud unless you just want it or you want to grow macros that perform better in it. Most macros we typically use for nutrient export dont need the mud, and not even the sand with the exception of maybe some types of calurpa.

FWIW (and maybe not applicable here) I tried just putting live rock rubble in the sump and didnt like it. THe problem was that it just trapped detritus, but didnt have the ability that sand does to properly denitrify it. It would be easier imo if you were going sandless in the fuge to have only a few big pieces of LR as opposed to rubble that you can remove and/or siphon around. The rubble was impossible to clean around, and by rubble I mean 20 lbs of nothing bigger than a golf ball.
Ya, I just worry about him eating the pods and bugs you are trying to grow in a fuge... But other then that, there is no reason he can not go down there.
well i plan to feed him pretty good. They will eat anything so I can scoop up minnows from down in the keys and drop them in there and watch him go pretty much every two weeks. That should be fun.

Im not sure he'll eat pods but if he does that kind of sucks and might make me reconsider. Even if he does though, can he eat them enough to keep up with how fast they populate. Its by no means their main diet. So I think I could probably get away with it. As for him eating anything I banish to the sump, id like nothing more than to see him eat an annoying crab. lol.
I heard the mud slowly releases trace minerals into the water...thats why i used it, and tank looks great so far
I think that's a cool idea -- I have wondered about something similar with a green serpent star -- They're monsters in a reef tank and I hear they will eat fish and even coral, but it would be neat to have one in a display fuge, and hand-feed it.

The thing I am wondering about a reef lobster is whether it will hide all the time or come out in the open.

I wonder if you could keep say a maroon clown with a green serpent star and a Blue reef lobster -- that would be cool.
It will eat good critters in the fuge, and you will probably never see it except when offering it a meaty meal.

if your fine with that go for it, I dont think its worth it though.
If you find away to densely pack your macros (think in-tank fuge or baffles) and give the lobster his own space, theres no way he can wipe out your pods.

Plan it out well, and go for it!
A lobster can catch AND eat pods?! Talk about catching a fly with chopsticks....