Blue Regal Tang Problem!


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I bought a Blue Regal Tang today. I acclimated her for 2 hours and released her. She came out a little here and there. I have offered her food thru' out the day and she has not eaten. I offered Dried Sea Weed Sheets, some regular fish food, and the frozen preparations for tangs. She also stays in the rocks most of the time. This is my first tang and I really dont want to lose her. Thanks for all input.
camden goddard
Give it time. A lot of fish wont eat on the first day, or maybe even for a few days. It will hide a lot and be skiddish. Just feed normally (without overfeeding) and it will get use to seeing you near the tank. Most I have seen become very friendly and come looking for food. I also dont think they are very picky, so nori, pellet, flake, and frozen are all good things to try. Just dont get frusterated. Leave a little nori in the tank, in a clip or rubberband it to a rock so it can graze if it wants to. I'd go ahead and start using a garlic supplement to as they are ick prone. Garlic seems to help some.

How big is it?
I'm sure she has been eating because the store has had her for a long time. I have had my eye on her for a while also and she has always had bright skin (flawless) and was always very active. I just dont know what I have done wrong. She has not gotten out to swim the length of the tank yet either. That really suprised me because she was in a 20 gal. tank. She is about 3 1/4 to four inches long. Thanks Barbara... You are always here when I need you! You are a great person!

That is my reason for the small tang....cause' when she gets bigger... so does my tank!

Nice avatar Corvettecris.... I hope that was Halloween!!! LOL
There are two ocellaris clownfish and a yellow tailed blue damsel besides the tang. The clowns were <u>very</u> nosy today.
Yeah, if you know how to acclimate (as I assume you do) it sounds like you acclimated properly. Dont be worried. THese are usually pretty hardy tangs, IMO. They are just not very agressive. THey are easily bullied by other fish.
Thanks Derek!!!! I will keep you and Barbara posted and hope and pray that she makes it through the night. Thanks SOOOOOOOOO Much guys! Have a good night!
Well she is still moving this morning.... took her a while to actually wake up and swim some. She is still in the rocks and I think she may have gotten a flake of food. Something is better than nothing i guess. Mom is upset that I paid 50 bucks for a fish we rarely get to see.
She is starting to stay out more! Wooo Hooo! Lets just hope she stays out alot for company this weekend!
I still have not seen her eat. I guess she will eat when she is ready. I'll get some garlic today. Should I be getting worried? Some said it would take a couple of days.
Well I went to both of the local LFS and niether one of them carry the garlic additive! I was amazed. Will someone please move up to Blairsville and open a decent Salt water fish store?
OOOOOHHHHHH NO! Let me tell you about Blairsville! We got a Waffle House just 2 years ago. We have to drive to North Carolina to go to Walmart. How's that for a small town? Looks like I'll have to order it.
Yeah, Blairsville.... Haha. A fish store would probably bo out of business so fast up there it'd make your head spin. THere is a fish store in Hiawassee... Dunno if that helps you any though.
They dont carry much at all. Any takers on opening a fish store?
Well she has no interest in food at all. I dont think there is anything that I can do. I cant order garlic. Oh Well, If she does'nt eat, thats her own fault! (but I'm out fifty bucks).
go to the grocery store and buy garlic's the same thing, only cheaper.
I added a sailfin about 3 weeks ago and i very rarely see it... never seen it eat either, although i am dealing with HA, so I imagine thats what its eating