Blue Spotted Jawfish update

wantsummora acropora

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I thought I'd give an update since a few people are interested in his wellbeing (thank you). after a little research and seeing one thrive in a regular tank I decided to try him in my display tank. Well, I'm happy to report that he is doing surprisingly well. After two nights of finding his way, he dug a burrow with 3 entrances. He's also started going after his food instead of me feeding him hand-to-mouth. He IMG_6481.JPGIMG_6482.JPGIMG_6486.JPGis also not camera shy.
Thanks for posting & updates. I’m planning on having a pair in my display refugium, with a mandarin(s) & maybe pipefish or seahorses. They have a lot of personality!
I had planned the same scenario w/display tank. I may get another 1 or 2 for the display refugium. It just was taking me too long after making a few hasty errors and I felt I needed to get him out of my quarantine tank as fast as possible. He is much happier now so I wouldn't dream of taking him out of the DT. I'm following you now so I'll keep track of your progress when you get started. Hopefully, I can go back and fix my errors when you do! Love his personality!
He’s such a cute guy. I have a diamond sleeper goby that burrows and he’s the life of my tank. Are jawfish different than sleeper gobies in the fact that you can have multiple? I know whenever I researched compatibility for my tank that it said not to get more than one because they’ll fight for prime real estate! I’d love for someone who is more knowledgeable to correct me if I’ve been misled 😂
I’ve wanted Jawfish ever since seeing them as a boy. My LFS guy put a few in a tank & they spent a good bit of time throwing sand & rocks into each other’s burrows. Occasionally flairing gill covers & opening their gaping mouths at one another. It was all a comical show, obviously meant to intimidate their neighbor. I never remember seeing any fights. They were Yellowheads, but I doubt Blue Spotted varieties are much different.
I’ve wanted Jawfish ever since seeing them as a boy. My LFS guy put a few in a tank & they spent a good bit of time throwing sand & rocks into each other’s burrows. Occasionally flairing gill covers & opening their gaping mouths at one another. It was all a comical show, obviously meant to intimidate their neighbor. I never remember seeing any fights. They were Yellowheads, but I doubt Blue Spotted varieties are much different.
That’s great to hear! That sounds hilarious 😂 well you’ll have to post whenever you add them to your tank. I’d love to see!
He’s such a cute guy. I have a diamond sleeper goby that burrows and he’s the life of my tank. Are jawfish different than sleeper gobies in the fact that you can have multiple? I know whenever I researched compatibility for my tank that it said not to get more than one because they’ll fight for prime real estate! I’d love for someone who is more knowledgeable to correct me if I’ve been misled 😂
I don't know much about them except they prefer colder water but mine is doing fine in 77 degrees. supposedly 78 is the top end. Mine won't stray far from his burrow so there is some target feeding involved if he's not getting enough food and he eats A LOT. They are jumpers so you need a good lid with NO room for him to get out. I can hear mine jump several times every night right before dawn. You can get a mated pair but I can't imagine what that would cost. One is pretty expensive. I've seen them on NatGeo; they live a few feet apart but are constantly stealing each others rock rubble. They have the best personality. Incredible for a fish.
I don't know much about them except they prefer colder water but mine is doing fine in 77 degrees. supposedly 78 is the top end. Mine won't stray far from his burrow so there is some target feeding involved if he's not getting enough food and he eats A LOT. They are jumpers so you need a good lid with NO room for him to get out. I can hear mine jump several times every night right before dawn. You can get a mated pair but I can't imagine what that would cost. One is pretty expensive. I've seen them on NatGeo; they live a few feet apart but are constantly stealing each others rock rubble. They have the best personality. Incredible for a fish.
My sleeper goby always gets into squabbles with my yellow tang lol, but he’s a good guy. If anything it’s the tang that pics the fights! I love a fish that remodels the tank and makes a little home for himself. It’s always fun to see what he’s up to!
I don't know much about them except they prefer colder water but mine is doing fine in 77 degrees. supposedly 78 is the top end. Mine won't stray far from his burrow so there is some target feeding involved if he's not getting enough food and he eats A LOT. They are jumpers so you need a good lid with NO room for him to get out. I can hear mine jump several times every night right before dawn. You can get a mated pair but I can't imagine what that would cost. One is pretty expensive. I've seen them on NatGeo; they live a few feet apart but are constantly stealing each others rock rubble. They have the best personality. Incredible for a fish.
Oh, and I'll post a picture tomorrow since it's lights out time. They can do a number on your sand bed.
Here are some pictures so you can see my diamond sleeper goby by the way! I meant to send this, but must have forgotten 😅 my yellow tang is always following him around; he is not happy about it lol662CBB4A-626D-421D-9381-C921B4A7A757.jpeg61CDCAE6-812B-4741-A2F2-7742332C8C54.jpeg
My BSG is such a cool fish! He literally, hangs out wit me (my chair is at the left end of the tank) while I watch tv. When I leave he goes back to his burrow at the right end of the tank. When I'm up close hunting aiptasia he’s all in my face. He does a great job of turning my sand bed too. He still tries to jump on a daily basis though.