Blue tang in hyposalinity question


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Hey guys I hope this is the right forum to post this,
Anyways I had a ick in my display tank and moved all my fish into quarantine. And now my blue tang is swimming with it head pointed up. I made a short video. I'm thinking swimming bladder disease, or the fish is constipated? Water is at 1.008 temp 78 no ammonia and water changes every 3 days in a 55 gallon tank.

Any ideas would help.

Well it's swimming normal now, 2 days swimming odd and now it's normal. Blue tangs are weird.
Over 24 hours it's been in the Qt for 6 days and it only been acting this way for 2 days. It's swimming around like it's looking for food at the top now. It seems to be doing better but I can't really tell.
I believe they recommend dropping salinity over a period of several days and not just 24 hours. Not sure that would cause the issue.
I think I'm going to try peas tonight and see if it helps it any. There really isn't much I'm finding online. I drained some display tank water and over time added rodi water to lower salinity. Did a water change today. I'm just clueless as to what's doing on with this fish, and it's tank mates are doing very well. Not even showing signs of ick (running Into anything trying to knock ick of themselves). Seeing if anybody has had something similar happen.
Most tang are prone to getting ick. Healthy diet + less stress environment seem to help
Well I'm running the light for only 8 hours and feeding a mix of foods. put a good bit of PVC caves in the tank and fake plants. Lol I'm the only one stressing. It seems to be doing better swimming.