Blue Tang Still Wont Eat!


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Well my Blue Regal Tang still will not eat. I bought some regular garlic from the store today and put some of the juice on there and she did not act interested. She does not pay attention to the food what so ever when it floats by her face. She is starting to look a little thin around the top of her back and dorsal fin. She has gotten to where she stays out alot and she looks like she is comfortable in the tank. All suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks Very Much!
Camden Goddard
Did you check your water parameters? What are you feeding? How big is it? Did it eat at the store when you bought it? Do you have any other fish in the tank?

Water parameters-I don't know how long your tank has been up. Did you check the basics: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity, ph?

Food-frozen food. Some fish won't eat flake-would you eat a flake or a piece of shrimp?

Size-if it is small, less than 1" those need alot of help to survive. I wouldn't buy one less than 3" even if it meant spending more money for a bigger one-they are hardier.

When buying fish at the LFS-ask them to feed it. For a beginner and intermediate aquarist, a fish is more likely to survive if they eat at the store. Then bring it home. Easier on you and your wallet :)

Other fish in tank-since it is swimming out in the open, obviously there aren't any bullies in the tank. But do you have other fish that eat? Some fish watch others eat, then they recognize "oh, that is food" let me participate.
I have a one inch blue hippo tang. I've had him for a few weeks now and he loves cyclopese(spelled right?) Mine is eating fine now and his ick looks much better, but I know how nerve racking it is when they aren't eating. I hope yours does well.
I did she her flash against the rocks a few times yesterday but that was all. She has always seemed to breathe fast but to me does not look like it is labored. Although she is out, alot of her time is spend <u>sitting</u> (like a hawkfish)on the rocks over the hole where she sleeps and she only swims in one end of the tank, in less than a 10" area. She has never swam the full length of the tank. There are 3 other fish in the tank. Two ocellaris clownfish, and one blue damsel. All water params. are good. Nitrates and Nitrites are 0, P.H. 8.0, and ammonia almost 0.

She gets opportunities to feed because the clowns dont care for the seaweed. I'm going to try turning off the pumps and see if she will come out and feed without it floating everywhere. Will a frozen carnivore preparation work in place of P.E. Mysis?
It should work fine. I would call the LFS you got her from and ask them what they fed her. Take the pm mysis and defrost it in a small cup of tank water and then add a couple drops of garlic(whatever brand you have) then feed it to the tang. If it wont eat i would talk to the LFS owner and ask them for a store credit. Alway make sure a fish is eating in the store before you get it. No quality store owner should sell a fish that dosent eat.
The LFS had this particular fish for at least a year so I'm sure she was eating. She always looked healthy when I saw her. When I fed this morning I turned off all of the pumps and everything in the tank. Put in tons of food. Although I did not see her eat, when she came out, she looked to be really fat. If I had to, do you think they would take back a fish? I bought the exact food that they fed at the store.
I'll try the frozen Meaty food tonight because thats the clowns favorite too!
If they had it for a year it is eating. It most likely is just a little stressed from the move and a new enviroment. Give it a week or so and see. She most likely is home sick. I would give your LFS a call and let them know so they dont get a call 2 weeks later. Just explain what is happening and what you are doing and it should be okay. I run a fish store and I would give you a store credit because simply put it is the right thing to do.
I called the LFS where I bought her from. I told him all that I had tried to get this fish to eat. He did not have any suggestions because I had tried everything that he knew to get her to eat. He said to keep watch on her and if she starts doing anything extremely weird or gets any spots or dies, to bring her in and they would give me a store credit. Pray that she makes it guys. I'll keep updating this page until this is solved.
That blue damsel is probably stressing the heck out of her. I have some mysis here in blue ridge if you want. It just my schedule sucks. Let me know. I MIGHT even be able to forgive you for being a penguins fans! Yeck!!!