Blue throat triggerfish coloration


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I’ve had my male blue throat for a couple months now and he seems to have lost some coloring. Seems like I need to add a male or female to help him regain his coloration. Anyone with experience on which would be better to add? Would adding a male give better coloration than a female due to the continued fight for dominance and would they both keep good coloration?
Add female.

I got a young male that lost it coloring. After adding a female it took over 6mo for its colors to come back.

When it's time to put the two together put the female in an acclimation box. The resident male can be pretty aggressive at the 1st meeting. Once he's settled down he'll be fine.
Add female.

I got a young male that lost it coloring. After adding a female it took over 6mo for its colors to come back.

When it's time to put the two together put the female in an acclimation box. The resident male can be pretty aggressive at the 1st meeting. Once he's settled down he'll be fine.
Will do, thanks Adam
Will do, thanks Adam
I forgot to mention. There are two very slightly different species of BTT. Don't if it's a species difference as much as a native area of the ocean, Indio Pacific and Hawaii.
The Hawaiian generally have brighter colors, not just the fins & throat but the whole body, than the Indio which are more muted. I believe matching the type will also reduce the male's initial aggression.

My male is Hawaiian that I got from Nemo. The 1st female I added was Indio I bought online, about 6 months in she carpet surfed. I replaced her with another Hawaiian from Nemo and they are still a pair.
I’ve had my male blue throat for a couple months now and he seems to have lost some coloring. Seems like I need to add a male or female to help him regain his coloration. Anyone with experience on which would be better to add? Would adding a male give better coloration than a female due to the continued fight for dominance and would they both keep good coloration?

I know this is pretty old but...did you end up getting a female? What happened?
Do you still have them? CUC friendly?

I'm debating myself whether to try a pair or just 1 male
I know this is pretty old but...did you end up getting a female? What happened?
Do you still have them? CUC friendly?

I'm debating myself whether to try a pair or just 1 male
I have had 2. One died inexplicably after about 6 months, one jumped out after only a few weeks. Both were coral and snail friendly. My CUC is only snails
I only have one trigger in my display, I bought it from a member who purchased it as a sargassum (red tail) trigger on live aquaria, but was told by others that it is a female blue throat.

Anyways, it has been a model citizen and I have never personally seen it chomp on CUC or other fish
I know this is pretty old but...did you end up getting a female? What happened?
Do you still have them? CUC friendly?

I'm debating myself whether to try a pair or just 1 male
No I didn’t. I ended up selling it when I downsized. Modeled citizen for the time I had it.
i still have my male bluethroat had him about over a year if i remember right hes been a model citizen