Brine Shrimp DIY


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Anyone ordered from these guys?"></a>

I just ordered a large can to check it out. Figured I would share since Petland just went to $4 a scoop for live brine and a large can will last months.
I used them regularly for the suppies for my breeding set up. Very good quality and service. By the way, I would expect the large can to last you about 5 or 6 YEARS. I was hathcing shrimp twice a day for six months and never put a dent in to the can I bought. :D

bobz;379305 wrote: I used them regularly for the suppies for my breeding set up. Very good quality and service. By the way, I would expect the large can to last you about 5 or 6 YEARS. I was hathcing shrimp twice a day for six months and never put a dent in to the can I bought. :D


Cool - I'll try it and if anyone wants to try some, looks like I'll have extra. haha
I grew brine cultures (to adults) on my back step in white buckets for 2 1/2 years - self sustaining colonies that thrived on neglect. No water changes, heaters - they froze over in winter... they finally crashed one summer when we had lots of rain in a short time and the buckets overflowed and the salinity diluted too much.

I started them from the "leftovers" from my baby seahorses, which I siphoned off during water changes - didn't want to throw away perfectly good live baby brine - so I put it in the bucket outside to see what happened. Eventually I had about 7 buckets out there when they crashed. I'd bring one in during the winter but they didn't fare as well indoors. When they would freeze over they'd go dormant and as soon as it warmed up again a little bit and the ice would melt, they'd be in there wriggling and doing their thing.

Tough little creatures, brine shrimp.
