Bristle worm attacking healthy astrea snail?!?

sounds fishy

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Everything I've read says that bristle worms are good reef neighbors and only go after dead tissue or leftover food. So if that's the case, what the &@%$ is going on in my tank? This took place about 10 minutes after lights-out; the worm retreated once I held the light on it, so the astrea is fine.

Has anyone seen anything like this?

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dosent look like an attack to me. if he were attacking the snail it would have pulled back into its shell and from what i can tell it looks like the snail keeps on eating with the worm wrapped around it. the worm was most likely just out looking for food and wrapped around the snail thinking it was a crack between rocks.
The worm is just cleaning the snails shell where the shell scrapes the algae and bits of food off the glass as it moves.:D
Crazy that you posted this as I had the same thing happen with a turbo snail last night. Looked just like this picture. I think in my case, the turbo was dead so I didn't think anything of it and I pulled the whole orgy from the tank. I got plenty of bristles and this one was on the larger side.

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Brijesh read my mind. I don't see an attack at all. Just two inverts, passing in the night ;)

Lol nothing to worry about. Like the others have mention he is just hitching a ride looking for food or cleaning the shell. Doesn't look like an attack at all.

Bristleworms4Lyfe! =)
I'm starting to think I just have adventurous bristle worms. Found another one wrapped around the magnetic algae scraper that sits in the back corner of the tank when not in use. Thanks for all the feedback!
Sounds Fishy;1045407 wrote: I'm starting to think I just have adventurous bristle worms. Found another one wrapped around the magnetic algae scraper that sits in the back corner of the tank when not in use. Thanks for all the feedback!

na, this is pretty common behavior for them they come out at night looking for food and will look for a crack to hide in when the lights come on and they dont care weather that crack is in a rock or if its between a snail and glass or a magnetic cleaner and glass as long as they think they're protected from predators.