Bristle worm?


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Hello everyone,

The other week I was doing some tank maintainable and when I had finished, I found a small(1-3 centimeter) redish worm crawling on my finger. At that time I didn't think it was harmful, but over the past few weeks I've started to lose a couple lps and zoas. This may be due to the majano growing and stinging them. Also, I found it after removing a few coral skeletons.

Is it possible that it was a bristle or some other worm that would and/or could harm coral?

Sorry I don't have any pictures. If I am able to find another one, I will do my best to photo it.
I have not heard of Bristleworms harming healthy zoas...could be fire worms? I would dip the affected corals and see if you see anything falling off

Majano is also bad, but I would still do a dip of the zoas.

If it is really a bristle worm then I would highly doubt it was messing with your coral. I have never had that experience with them nor have I ever heard anyone experience that.
Bristle womb did not kill anything off. They are scavengers of decaying matter.

Imagine a vulture eating an apple off of a tree. They dont.

They go after that dead deer on the side of the road that stinks up your car when the windows are up.
What Frag Freak said.

Also what Jakub said.

Bristleworms generally do not bother healthy tissue or creatures (except dwarf seahorses, that's another post...)

Fireworms - same thing. They're scavengers. Their bristles hurt worse in your fingers, that's about it.

Be glad you didn't end up with bristles in your fingers. Those jokers hurt no matter what kind of bristle/fireworm.
