bristle worms


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i know there is a big debate on the good and bad of these things but i just noticed i have at least 3 BIG sized brisle worms amongst the few smaller ones........What should i do to get these guys out is there any type of crab or fish i can buy that is reef safe that will take care of them for me.....I love buying critters to take care of other critters.

All help is appreciated guys
I've never had a problem with them. They seem to help with cleaning up scraps/extra food/dead hermits/etc.

However, I'll bet if you come out at night with a flashlight and a pair of forceps-- you should have no problem yanking out the bigguns.
Ew i didnt realize you were a Tennessee fan. In that case, I'd go with a school of yellow tailed damsels.

;) ;) ;)
Haha funny no way am I putting those in my tank. So u guys don't think I need to worry about the huge I we going after any fish or corals or anything
They're not a problem unless you have a really sick or scraped up fish. Six lines will eat them and arrow crabs. The crab is alot easier to catch if you decide you don't want it anymore. Personally I would let them eat the tank waste.
Meet Grendal.....this was 2 years ago...he's a big bigger now.
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Bristle worms are amazing critters. I had a big one that went 'rogue' on me and ate a peppermint right after it molted and was defenseless (I had seen the bristle roaming the tank looking for food, so I knew it was hungry but I didn't know they could turn killers yet -- until I found the peppermint jammed into the a hole in the rock at the top of his cave).

So I removed the bristle, and he lived for a couple of months in a soup container with some filter floss. Then I moved him to a jar with some sand and live rock and put a few majanos and aiptasia in there for company. I didn't want to put him back in a tank because he was a "killer" but I didn't want to kill him either, and I learned how indesctructible these guys are. He didn't even really shrink from not being fed for a long long time.
Barbara;229707 wrote: Mark, I thought you killed Grendal? Or pulled him in half or something?

I tried to get him out once got the clamps on him but he pulled away. Dam little bugger was not giving up that easily.
Instead of going with a predator, you can always try the pantyhose trap -

<li>put shrimp or other bait in an old piece legging of pantyhose.</li>
<li>place a rock in there as well to weigh it down and place it in the tank at night.<ul>
<li>worms will be attracted to the food and try to get to it.</li>
<li>they will consequently get their lil barbs hooked into the pantyhose.</li>
<li>remove trap in the morning and dispose of worms.</li>
Great idea Jin....

And for those that don't own any pantyhose...just send George a message on the board...I am sure he has plenty!!!:lol2: