Brittlestars and Shrimp


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I have two very big brittle stars. I have also had several peppermint shrimp in my tank in the past. They disappeared. I recently added another peppermint. No sign of him for a while. Has anyone had brittle stars that would eat shrimp? (Maybe feeding them krill gave them a test for shrimpy entrees..)
Mine would hide most of the day, but as soon as the main lights went out, they would be under the rocks near the front of the tank doing their sway. No sign so far.

Aliens, maybe?
Do you have any other shrimp that could be fighting with these guys for teritory? Or any fish that could be going after them?
Only other fish in the tank is a scooter blenny.

I have drip-acclimated every one, in each instance over 3-4 hours.

The previous two ran around the tank for several weeks, so I don't think it was an acclimation issue, and the new one had been visible and active for several days.

It is perplexing.
They do hide as suggested and some crab could be getting a hold of one. I haven't heard of a brittle eating a live pep before. They may just not be survivng a molt.
I'm betting on crabs. I once added a few peppermints to my nano in an attempt to gid rid of some aptaisia, and they didn't last very long. The only other things in the tank were some hermit crabs and a red mithrax crab.
Peppermints are very reclusive. I thought mine was dead for sure... only to spot him wandering around a month later.
Well, I am upgrading tanks in the near future, so maybe the whole group will turn up during the move. I'll still keep an eye out for them. Thanks for all the input.
Jin is right...thought all mine were gone had'nt seen them in a long time.

Rearranged my rock and there they were.
Break out the flashlight. If you still have them, they should be running around at night.