Brown algae growth on sand and rocks


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I've had this stuff in my tank forever. Params are solid. Full test every Friday. I've vacuum the stuff off the sand bed and 2 days later it's back. It will form a brown dusting on my rocks and such and I just use a turkey baster to blow it off during WC. Your going to ask so 1.024 n1ppm po4 2-4 ppm Dkh 9 temp 80 cal 450. I have 4 korlia 1400 on a wave maker. Plenty of flow. So the only thing I can think of is the MH 20k bulbs need to be replaced. Does any one think lighting could be the problem with spectrum shift they are supposed to be 9 months old??? At first I thought it was Dino's and would go away. That was 9 months ago it's still hear. It really takes away from the beauty of the tank. Someone please help.
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Looks like diatoms to me.
What are you using for filtration? I started dosing vodka a few weeks ago and I am already noticing a difference in my tank.
Same thing happened to me but I had t5's. They were about 10-11 months old and the week I took them off and got new bulbs the algae died. I don't know if it's the same with MH.You can also use chemi-clean. I usually don't recommend chemicals in the reef tank but it actually worked good in my 90gallon. So good luck.

Wait vodka??? Didn't know you can dose that.
I have the same problem going on- changed all my lights, been changing GFO weekly, started peroxide dosing which helped a bit but still there. Been an issue for the last month
If you guys ever want to...use chemi-clean. But only use it in an established tank. If you tank is 1-3 months old it probably new tank syndrome and should go away eventually.
When i increase bacteria in tank, brown algae disappear.....but bad light it's can possible cause!
Curtismaximus;935374 wrote: Looks like diatoms to me.
What are you using for filtration? I started dosing vodka a few weeks ago and I am already noticing a difference in my tank.
I meant Diatoms duhh

I_will_always_learn;935386 wrote: If you guys ever want to...use chemi-clean. But only use it in an established tank. If you tank is 1-3 months old it probably new tank syndrome and should go away eventually.

Ive used red slime remover and it did help a little. But it just comes back
Do you have some critters that are agitating the sand bed? Diatom blooms are often fueled by silica.
Curtismaximus;935374 wrote: Looks like diatoms to me.
What are you using for filtration? I started dosing vodka a few weeks ago and I am already noticing a difference in my tank.

Felt Sock, fuge, skimmer. It was on about week 3-4 that I really noticed a huge differance in the polishing of the water and the skim mate turns very dark. 4-6 wks the SPS start to respond with better coloration. So far that has been my experience. It just went to a maintenance dose of 2ml a day. At 3.5ml the slime bacteria started getting a little more than I was comfortable with and my N-1ppm and PO4-.02 so i backed off as the instructions stated. It has been the best thing Ive done for my tank bar none. Now if I can get this brown crap under control Ill be happy.

Im going to switch to the 2-wp25s and also change out my lights to Oshio 14k. Hopefully (fingers crossed) the will solve the problem.

Ringo®;935430 wrote: Do you have some critters that are agitating the sand bed? Diatom blooms are often fueled by silica.

No not really. Got a few hermits. The biggest stirrer I have is my fighting Conch but he is pretty lazy really. If I knew exactly what it was I would feel more comfortable being able to address the issue.
Ringo®;935444 wrote: Where are you getting your water from? Running any GFO?

Water from my brs 5 stage. TDS at zero. I run carbon and GFO in a single brs reactor . Change it out every 2 weeks at water change . Sometimes I go 3 weeks on WC but no longer ever.
Have any hermit crabs to pick away a the sandbed? Only thing I've found is to have something stirring it up every few hours to keep the brown down.

Haven't made time to get a test for silicates to see if levels are fueling the growth. Would if I were keeping SPS, but as mine is a macro & softy lagoon tank with a little bit of large polyps stony corals I haven't seen the need.
Agreed on it likely being diatoms. I will say that I've had a hit from this due to a failing membrane in my RO/DI.

Test for silicates. I remember reading an article a few years ago about how high silicate water can cause a membrane of an RO/DI unit to fail prematurely. Probably worth the cost of the test kit to find out the truth.
Oil_Fan;935621 wrote: Agreed on it likely being diatoms. I will say that I've had a hit from this due to a failing membrane in my RO/DI.

Test for silicates. I remember reading an article a few years ago about how high silicate water can cause a membrane of an RO/DI unit to fail prematurely. Probably worth the cost of the test kit to find out the truth.

Very interesting. I was not aware of a silica test. I will give it a look. Where would it come from if quality marine grade crushed coral and sand were used. I'm beginning to understand what some peeps like a bare bottom. I work very hard a keeping my tank show room ready only to be out done by this brown sh...:yuk:
I'm going to order new 14k bulbs and see if it makes a difference. It's time for new ones anyway.
I just went through the same thing. I added phosguard into my filtration and got 3 turbo snails in about a week it was all gone.
michaelf1478;936338 wrote: I just went through the same thing. I added phosguard into my filtration and got 3 turbo snails in about a week it was all gone.

I run GFO in a reactor. My snails don't touch the stuff, neither does my fighting conch