Brown algae


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I cant figure out why I get brown algae on one side of the tank and the other side no algae I use RO DI this is not a new tank even when I stir up the sand there is no alge 24 hours later the brown algae come back what is going on?
Is the panel that's getting algae facing natural sunlight ( more than the other panels)
Does it look like diatoms? Is the side that's brown get more light?
Try not stirring your sand for a week.
regaltang;1023429 wrote: yes looks like diatoms.. running a pretty good power ...whats the problem

When you say it's not a new tank, is it less than a year?

Your bringing up the silica. The bottom sandbed is also the area of least flow and most noticeable.

If you stop stirring (keep vacuuming with water changes) is will probably stop. Try it and post back in a week.