Brown water lines in mix tank


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I am getting brown water lines in my mix tank. I try to mix large quantities of water and do smaller water changes as needed. This means the water will sit there for a while.

How do I keep my new water clean

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i think the easiest way is to just take the hose out of the water and make sure to empty it every time so you dont have water sitting in it that will let stuff grow inside it.
It is calcium deposit among other things. It is a normal thing for mix tanks. This is why it needs to be rinsed/cleaned out on a regular basis. We keep out mixing vats on a regular clean schedule for this reason.

yup just a calcium deposit.

I take mine out once a year and pressure wash them. Ive also heard muratic acid(sp?) works well too.
EnderG60;1030952 wrote: yup just a calcium deposit.

I take mine out once a year and pressure wash them. Ive also heard muratic acid(sp?) works well too.

Yeah we clean our vats with Muratic Acid like people use for cleaning pool residue. If you are going to use it make sure to do it outside! This stuff does not mess around! Then rinse very well and let it dry for 24 hours.

EnderG60;1030952 wrote: yup just a calcium deposit.

I take mine out once a year and pressure wash them. Ive also heard muratic acid(sp?) works well too.

Yeah, muriatic acid does work really well, but is best if you can take outside to do. I do not think that he can easily take his mixing station outside to clean, so it would require a bit higher level of care indoors and in a confined space. It does work wonders tho... very quick and effective!
Adding a jug or two of normal, grocery store strength white vinegar to a full mix tank of RODI will also do the trick without quite the MDS-safety sheet overhead. ;)

Sure, it won't be as quick or dramatic as the muratic acid approach, but give it an hour or two with a circulation pump running and you can safely dispose of the batch into the yard/gutter or down the drain.
Interesting. I would have never thought a calcium stain would be brownish.

Thank you guys

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The brown stuff is likely bacterial film. Is it slimy?

You can also scrub down a caked up mixing vessel with Seachem Acid Buffer (freshwater supplement). No MSDS hazard with that either.

The stuff is most likely harmless but it's not a bad idea to clean out the mixing bucket from time to time.

BulkRate;1030976 wrote: Adding a jug or two of normal, grocery store strength white vinegar to a full mix tank of RODI will also do the trick without quite the MDS-safety sheet overhead. ;)

Sure, it won't be as quick or dramatic as the muratic acid approach, but give it an hour or two with a circulation pump running and you can safely dispose of the batch into the yard/gutter or down the drain.

I do this!

Isn't it fun getting so many different answers and solutions, haha
Just goes to show you there's more than one way to skin a cat. Take the one that fits you best :)

How long are you letting mixed saltwater sit? Do you keep a pump in the bucket to keep it moving? Stable temps?
Jenn - Yes is is slimy.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this? Is that normal and does it have a negative impact on my display if I use it?

I will mix 1 bag of salt and do water changes 30 gal at a time so it may sit for 2-3 weeks. I do have a small pump at the bottom of the tank, but there is little to no surface affectation.

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It's normal. If you want to prevent it, rinse and dry your vessel after each use.

I don't think it really has a negative impact.

Thanks Jenn, as always, very knowledgeable.

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