Bryopsis came back after treating with fluconazole


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Has anyone else had bryopsis come back after fluconazole treatment?

On Jan 6., I treated my 80 gal (about 70 gallons total water volume with rock, sump) with 1400mg of fluconazole (seven 200mg pills). I've read people say to do 200mg per 10 gallons so I figured this was good. It wasn't a terrible outbreak, just a couple places on my rocks, but I've had BAD bryopsis before so I wanted to try to nip it in the bud with this miracle treatment. The fluconazole really eradicated the bryopsis, and I was very happy!

However, on Feb 24., I noticed a little bit of bryopsis coming back where I had a thick path of it before. I tolerated it for a month and now it's back to about the way it was before. I bought more fluconazole and I'm thinking of upping the dosage from 7 pills to maybe 8 or 9.  I know the bryopsis didn't come back due to overfeeding because it's a fishless tank and I only spot feed a little bit to my LPS.

I also have a Nuvo 10 that had a bad case of bryopsis that I treated with one 200mg pill on Dec 30., and no bryopsis has come back in there, so I figure the 80 just needs a higher dosage.

Any thoughts?
I had to do the exact same thing for my coral QT tank.  I had some frags come in with bryopsis... so I followed the dosage recommendations and it was only temporarily effective.  I ended up increasing the dosage by nearly 50% and haven't had a problem since.  G'luck.
It's not uncommon to have to repeat the treatment or up the dosage.
I did 2 treatments.  One regular dosage plus 10% for 4 weeks.  It didnt kill all the hair algea so I did it again.  This time with 1.5x the dosage and for 8 weeks.  Never fully killed the hair algea, and the bryopsis is also coming back after 2 months.

When it takes $50 worth to do one treatment for my tank, Im not bothering with it again.  Just going to focus on reducing my phosphates and add more light to my scrubber.
what you want to do is use the stuff do get a leg up on it... then you've got to track down what the issue is and remedy that or it will absolutely come back.

Bryopsis seems to do well even in an ulns.  It never thrived but I couldn't get rid of it without fluco.  After my second treatment, I haven't had it come back and its been 4 months so for me it worked.