BTA and PC


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can a green BTA survive under a power compact probably 2 65w bulbs the tank is only 13 inches deep
how many gallons. and it can probablyl
survive but probably wont be happy.
no need for gallons if it is right under it and what lighting it is you should probably get better lights but it may survive but i would realy opt to get better lighing i had one under pc's but it was less than 4 inches from them in a 29 gall biocube(2 36w)
you will get many different responses on this...a bta will live under PC lighting but it will not have optimal conditions. I have had them under both pc and mh and honestly i can see a clear difference between the two. Under mh feeding is not as important because they will get plenty from the light. With PC lighting you will need to feed more. I also saw much better coloration from my nems under mh lights. Im sure others can give more specific details about this.
u will likely need to "power feed" which will mess up ur water quality. i would say get a false anenome if this is for clowns.
I am going to say no to this question. People may reply with "as long as the BTA stays right under the lights you could be ok!" but we know that a BTA NEVER stays where you want it to and even then 2 x 65w is not much light at the surface (you might have a prayer at 4 x 65W but even then not the best lights). Save your money for better lights and go from there.
I would not reccommend it. I have one under halides and it does excellent and one under PC's and its not doing to great:(
i agree they are much better under mh lighting...but id like to bring up the huge amazing RBTA at Capp Bay in the tank right next to the register. It is under a 20" 96w PC lighting and that is one of the most amazing RBTA's I have ever seen. Every time I look at it I wonder how is it doing so well under those lights...I have no answer for it??? Anyone....
power feeding just a thougth or they secretly put it under halides while no ones looking. loll. just jking about the halide.
what is the smallest MH fixture i could get for a 20 long tank
but i dont think that will be enought light for it but then again all he needs is 3 watts per gallon
ok so you are saying that 2 65w is better than a 70w MH dude you are wrong...par rating are better than Watts/Gallon and i think that brandon told me that too if i remember correctly
Nano_Reefer92;66125 wrote: ok so you are saying that 2 65w is better than a 70w MH dude you are wrong...par rating are better than Watts/Gallon and i think that brandon told me that too if i remember correctly

I said what?
Oh yes, that is something I would have said... ;)

I thought you meant I said "2 65w is better than a 70w MH" or "all he needs is 3 watts per gallon" neither which has not come out of my mouth since 1999! ;)

For a 30 gal I would look for a 150W Halide pendant to light that tank... Or a t-5 solution.
how many 24 inch T5s would i need. if i got 4 what would be my limitations be
How wide is the tank?

A T-5 with an individual reflector (what you want) takes up atleast 2" (3" with the new super dooper Tek reflectors). 4 would be enough to run about any coral you want and your BTA on a 29 gal tank (what it sounds like you got).
my tank is a 20g long. it is 12 wide and deep and 30 long

what about two of these