BTA/Clownfish Singles Mixer


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Anybody have any tips on how to get my young pair of clowns to pay any attention to my young BTA and/or frogspawn so they can begin their lives together? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Zach, luckily enough, I was actually researching this most of the night.

The one thing that kept popping up over and over again, was to get a picture of a clownfish hosting in an anemone and then tape it to your tank, so your clownfish can see.

I know it sounds silly, but alot of people said it worked for them. Other than that, there really isn't anything you can do. You have to be patient and let things take there course. Multiple accounts of people buying anemones and their clownfish never hosting them. Also, many people have their clownfish host in everything, except what the owner wants them to host in, ie powerhead, shrooms, LR, Brains, etc.

Just be patient and hope for the best. Also, the best is that the clownfish feels safe and is content in the tank. So whether that means he hosts something, or just kinda swims around and sleeps in the rocks, be happy with it.

Good Luck,

Oddly enough, the thing they hang around the most is the Atlanta Thrashers hockey puck that serves as the centerpiece of my tank. Maybe its the coloration of the puck or something, but they always seem to be hanging out on or around it.

Now to find a hockey puck looking anemone...

What type of clowns?

Also, an anemone is not necessary for the pair to "start their life together." Joyce Wilkerson writes about an aquacultured pair she ordered, they missed their flight and she figured they were done for. Not only did they arrive in perfect health a day late, but they had spawned in the shipping bag. :)

The clowns will host something. It may simply take time for them to mature and begin spawning. I've had a pair of A. Ocellaris for over a year and a half now, and although they've worked out the pecking order, they still haven't spawned... though she is letting him sleep in the anemone at night... sometimes... :)


It's a young pair of percula clowns. And by start their lives together, I meant the anemone and the clowns' relationship. I think the clowns may be a little young for spawning, but they're together all the time so I'm not too worried about that in the future. I just think it would be cool to see them play in the anemone.

Is it possible that the anemone is too small? Its about 2.5 inches in diameter and probably has ~15-20 tentacles. He's def. small but I don't know if there are size requirements for the clowns to move in. Kids these days...

It may take a while and it may never happen. A. Percula and E. Quadricolor are not natural hosts in the wild, however, in captivity they have been known to host.

It actually might be a boon that the clowns are ignoring the BTA at the moment. Sometimes a clown will stress a smaller anemone and steal food from it! :confused2:

Anyway, feed that BTA finely chopped (minsed) shrimp, silverside, scallop, etc., add some cyclopeeze. I feed 2x to 3x a week right now, but I hope to narrow it down to 1x once the BTA grows to 8-9" in size.


Awsome post Matt...

As for hints on what you can do... The picture trick is reported to work but I have never seen it happen. Along those same lines, the lettuce clips that look like a clown has worked for me once in the past. Set it nect to the BTA and hope the clowns get the idea that they can go over there too... At lights out, you can shine a bright flashlight at the anenome and the clowns might go over to it, kind of like leaving the lights on in the motel.... All these things MIGHT work but for the most part, you might just have an anenome and a pair of clowns that never meet. Believe me, My wife asks me every day when her clowns are going to host and I tell her every day, chances are they might never... The only thing to do is give it time. (Or pick a different kind of clown that you can not help but keep it out of the anenomes!)