BTA question


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do these come in all diff. colors?

do the colors mean anything?

the one i bought is literally neon green at the tips and i have never seen that. i have seen darker brown ones and i have seen all cream colored ones im just wondering if they are like dogs and they come in all diff. colors
what kind of lights do you have?? If your lights arent blue enough, they can appear brown -ish and yes, they do come in different colors.
i have a 150 watt sunpod MH.........its pretty **** bright haha

mine doesnt appear brown at all i was just saying i have seen them brownish before i didnt realize you can get these things in diff. colors.

do they grow really big?

can you have more than 1 in a tank? if not is there another type of anemone you can have along with a BTA

o yeah eric are you the guy i emailed earlier off of craigslist about getting some frags?
oh--ok--hey-what (frags)were you wanting? Yeah, they do come in different colors, the bta is pretty compact when compared to others, I'm not sure if I would keep more than one in the 29, though--
um.....anything easy and not to expensive haha im new at the coral stuff so just trying to get a few diff. frags from a few diff. people
I think they change color according to envioment. I got mine from Fester, and they were a fleshy color, now they are purple.