BTA stung me


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Under the sea
For the first time ever, my Bubble tip anemone stung me. Lol. A little painful, a lot surprised!

Haha... I never have and never do. Of my current 15 or so BTAs, and hundreds ive handled over the years managing a shop, this was very unusual. ...but I always support safety.
Sorry Andrew! Is it itchy or painful or both?
First Sharon, now you...
I'm curious - was it the tentacles or the mouth? Did you brush up on it or accidentally smoosh it?
Wow! A couple people have been stung recently by BTAs?!?! It's like that movie 'The happening' except with BTAs instead of plants. lol

There is no itchiness; just a sharp lingering pain. Of course, like most marine toxins, hot water helps alleviate it. But the bumps and redness are still there. But it's not a big deal, and is not slowing me down today. @sharis100 how is your sting doing?
Wow! A couple people have been stung recently by BTAs?!?! It's like that movie 'The happening' except with BTAs instead of plants. lol

There is no itchiness; just a sharp lingering pain. Of course, like most marine toxins, hot water helps alleviate it. But the bumps and redness are still there. But it's not a big deal, and is not slowing me down today. @sharis100 how is your sting doing?
The skin finally healed. Apparently another thing I am sensitive/allergic too after years of no reactions. But I have a nice scar 👍
The first thing I thought as I read through these posts was "I wonder where I put those gloves?!?!" Every once in a while I really make an effort to wear gloves when handling things in my aquarium but I inevitably revert back to just using my hands.
Funny/interesting update. At first, there was only a sharp stinging pain. But after 24-48 hours, now it’s suddenly itchy just like @NanCrab asked.
Andrew, if you want a good way to stop the itching without having to be groggy from Benadryl get a hydrocortisone cream to put on it and Pepcid, which is an H2 receptor histamine blocker and take that. We used to give IV Pepcid and steroids in the ER for allergic reactions.
Have you tried washing with vinegar to dissolve the nemocytes?
Reminds me of a long time ago, I had a 180 aggressive tank.

Had this HUGE nasty blue carpet. Not sure what happened.. but it flopped over and on top of my hand one day. Woooooo

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Yeah, I always keep cortisone cream in all my first aid kits. It’s always sufficient on its own; so I’ve never used Pepcid. But neither may be necessary in this case, as it’s not too bad. The pain wasn’t really too bad, nor is the current itching. Maybe 2/10 for both; noticable but still very minor.

I also haven’t used vinegar this time either. I don’t believe there are any/many unfired nematocysts at this point. Even though the toxins may be gone, it’s this residual histamine that itches but it should fade quickly. Thank you though! I’ll keep it in mind for next time.