BTA Trying to Hide


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MvM gave me a small green BTA. PLaced it in a shady cave area of my tank but within 1 hour he walked a good foot to the back of my tank and buried himself behind my rock stack. Will he resurface once he gets better acclimated or is this just how they act.
could not tell ya, mine turned into a smelly goo after about a month. I did not have strong enough lighting.

It could just be getting used to the tank. It did have to make a trip in a plastic bag so it may just be hiding for safety and can come out in time.
It was transported about 30 minutes in a "tupperware" type canister and when I opened the lid the BTA literally inflated and tried to climb out. I acclimated him the best I could, but he kept trying to climb up the walls of my drip tub. I have 150w MH and 64 w actinics on a 28 gallon so he should have more than enough lighting. I just hope he comes out because where he is now I can't feed him, or reach him for that matter without tearing my tank apart:unsure:
The only BTA's I have had that hid were ones that ended up dying soon after. But, In my experience with them, I have learned to just let it be. Don't try to feed it or give it light. Let it go where it wants and hope for the best. Hopefully in a couple days it will come out and be happy...
Mine is hiding too. It's been in a cave for 3 weeks and it's getting pale. i finally did remove some rock so it can at least get some light. They're weird for sure. I'd just blow some mysis near him and not sweat it for a while. if the water is good they can go for weeks without much light and no target feeding, from my limited experience.
Ooops....I fed him before I saw the post above. Put a small piece of a silverside on top of his tentacles and he funneled it directly to his mouth. MvM had him stored in his sump for a couple of weeks and I thought food might bring him around. He's actually attached to the back of my tank so if it looks to be dying, at leastI have a chance of scraping him off. While I certainly don't want to lose him, at least it was a freebee:thumbs: Thanks for the advice.