bubble algae


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noticed ive gotten a few spots that are starting to get bubble algae heavy any of you had luck with emerald crabs eating it?
im starting to get bubble algae too.
emerald crabs seem to be about 50/50...im not really sure what to do either
Our emerald crabs took care of our bubble algae in no time but one grew really fast and started harassing my smaller fish and killed our birds nest coral once the bubble algae was gone so they had to go at that point.
Yes emerald crabs work, but not everyone of them eat it if you have a massive break out. Like everything in the reef hobby, it can be hit or miss. I started with 2 and 1 picked at it. So I bought 10 more and between the 12 of them, they took care of it all. This was in my 150 I had a few years back. Also, I had a desjardini tang that picked up a taste for it when the emeralds would break some loose in the water column.
FWIW, vibrant worked well for me. It kills macros though so use with caution if you have a refugium.
I had a few small colonies pop up in my tank, I used a scalpel and cut it off the rock and fished it out with a net. Worked great, haven't seen any in a month or so.
I had a few small colonies pop up in my tank, I used a scalpel and cut it off the rock and fished it out with a net. Worked great, haven't seen any in a month or so.
so far its in about 4-5 spots 2 being my return lines
ok so i dont think the emeralds are doing much, if anything to the bubble algae. Fun to watch but too small to effectively do anything.
they have been picking at some of the other algae and 1 guy thinks he is tarzan and has climbed into my hammer colony
i got 4 total and they've each staked out a territory and have not moved much from it
ok so i dont think the emeralds are doing much, if anything to the bubble algae. Fun to watch but too small to effectively do anything.
they have been picking at some of the other algae and 1 guy thinks he is tarzan and has climbed into my hammer colony
i got 4 total and they've each staked out a territory and have not moved much from it
They’ll likely help prevent its spread by eating the very small ones.