Bubble algae

bruce 1

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I have got some bubble algae starting to come up on a rock how do I get rid of it?

Thanks Bruce
If it's only one rock you can take it out and scrub the area down with a toothbrush, rinse it in ro or used water change water and place it back in the tank
Can also cover the algae with super glue....let it harden/cure then peel it off....works pretty well IME....
Emerald crabs love it....nutrients are also a little high aka nitrates and that causes it.
Smoothie;555488 wrote: If it's only one rock you can take it out and scrub the area down with a toothbrush, rinse it in ro or used water change water and place it back in the tank

that, if its all over the tank then my usual method is to pick it all off with tweezers, then scrub with a toothbrush, then throw in a BUNCH of emeralds.

Emeralds will not/cant eat the big ones but they can eat the small ones, so if you can see it just pull it off and let them take care of the rest.
No. Not if you rinse the rock (swish it around) in a bucket of salty water change water to get off any algae knocked loose still sticking to the rock while scrubbing. Popping them won't release anything but waste into the water
I second or third the Emerald crabs, Although if you have some crustacean eater and or have issues with emeralds redecorating your tank check your parameters and make sure everything is within the limits. Then go to town with some tweezers, toothbrushes and siphoning...