Bubble Alge Question


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I have just discovered bubble agle on the live rocks in my tank. They are quite small and I found them with a magnifing glass. My tank has not cycled and has had water in it since 12/06/08. I'm using 60#'s of live rock to cycle the tank and my lights have been reduced to 4x96 watt H.P. actinic at 5 hrs per day and my 3x250 watt M.H. at 4 hrs per day. My question is should I try to do somthing now about the bubble alge or wait until the tank cycles? I have also had blooms of brown and green alge and understand that they will die off as their nutrients are depleted. Is this also true of bubble alge? Should I remove the live rock and boil them or would this throw the cycling process off? What would you guys do? Thanks,
As far as my knowledge is, bubble algae is a bad thing that can spread beyond control. After the initial "this is cool stuff" moment, I would recommend removing the bubbles asap. This can be done by simply picking them off the rock, etc that have it on it. there is no scientific proof one way or the other that bursting the bubble will allow it to spread but I would suggest trying to avoid bursting the bubbles.

Any other feedback regarding this would be welcomed.
Here is a picture that I took. It sure looks like bubble algae. It's so small that I had to shoot through the magnifing glass.
looks like it, but it's rather small. I would not worry about it right now. Maybe get an emerald crab after the cycle.
I've got big ones in my tank now. I don't care about em, I know folks that have some the size of ping pong balls...
I have a little growing in my tank, and some growing in the overflow. It doesn't really bother me. It's not very invasive.
Thanks for the info everyone, I'll let it be for now and get an emerald crab when my tank cycles.:up:
Thanks for the great website Barbara, I think it's Dictyospheria. I'm not worried anymore.
A UV will help kill any spores that get in the water column and keep it from spreading.
You need to be careful, IMO it is hard to identify one type from the other. In my experience, they all can grow out of control very quickly. I personally don't mind Bubble Algae, I think the marble to golfball sized specemins, I have had in the past, were cool. I find that visitors like the "green pearls" too. However, if you don't like them, I would take this time to remove the infected rocks and cook them. It will never be easier than now to try rid yourself of this algea. Of course, you many not be able to totally rid yourself of this... "resistance is futile, you WILL be infected..." :)
Concerning the U.V. sterilizer, I have a Coralife 18watt in my sump. I have the discharged water aimed at my protien skimmer intake. The directions for this unit say to use a 200 to 400 gph pump. I got a 250 gph pump, with the head loss from the plumbing it maybe dropped to 200 gph. I also installed a ball valve on the exit plumbing and Have further reduced the flow, I'd guess it's at 150 gph when I compare it to when the valve is wide open. I would like to run it so slow that I'm sure to kill everything but I'm concerned about the manufacturer's suggestion of 200 to 400 per hour. How far should I cut the flow? My cess pool, I mean display tank has got alot of algae in it, micro and macro that came on the live rock. They are thriving and my protien skimmer is pulling out a collection cup of lime green waste per day.