Bubble Algea Sucks


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I have just about had enough of this stuff! I just took all my rock out and scrubbed it in fresh salt water and here are some pictures of what I pulled off :sad: . I am going to get a bunch of emerald crabs! Does anyone else know of any other treatments that work?


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Dang..thats some big ones...I have 2 fairly large emeralds that are being sold...system coming down Sunday Post #31

I appriciate it Russ, but I think I will just go get a couple, seeing how far away covington is. Thank you though.
Hey, Bryan- good to see you're back.

Emeralds are usually hit-or-miss with bubble algae, and they usually don't go after the large ones. Just keep manually removing it.
Mine cleaned mine up big time...didnt have any like those big one vett has though
Thanks Bryan! Yeah I will be carefully manualy removing the larger ones and I will be feeding less so the emeralds don't have much to eat. I will also most likely be getting 5 of them so I think I will have a good chance of getting some that will want to eat it. As soon as they get it under control I will move some of them to my 75 gallon.
I am new person in this forum (atlanta reef club forum)
bubble algae
Macroalgae,Chlorophyta Phylum, class Cholophyceae. name Valonia sp.
They are soft and burst easly.Breaking up the bubble will put thousand more spores in the tank and can lead to much more of these algae in you aquarium

They dont have biological control .some reports write emerald crab not eat these algae
tnyga;122862 wrote: lol I was wondering where dawsonville is.. :)

Just go where you find more snow and you'll eventually get here lol. No, but it is right near the Outlet Mall.
Mine are getting huge on the stuff and they can't keep up. I may have to pick up a couple myself.
lol, mine are growing on top of eachother. :(. I can't wait until someone can find a "cure" for them. They aren't that unsightly until they are out of control.
Whoever does will likely make a pretty penny selling the stuff if they can patent it.
I think what you have done is the best way to control..I started with a knife and go under the bubble into the rock and "popped" them off...
I just carefully twist them off, and then I cry when I pop a big one. lol. For all of the small ones I use a siphon tube and siphon them off the rocks/powerheads/glass/sand.
Didn't the spaeker at the club meeting a few months ago say that bubble alage was a single cell algae, and that it did not contain "spores" on the inside?
I missed that talk... can someone confirm... that would certainly make cleanup a lot easier.
yes that would make it a lot easier... however... if they don't contain spores how in the hell do they get EVERYWHERE!