Bubble tip split


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My massive rose colored bubble tip finally split, yeah. It appears that my solo clown fish is favoring one over the other. Historically the clown did a good job of feeding the BT but now he may only want to feed one (of course the one that is accessible to me, not the one that is a hard spot to reach). I am looking for a suggested course of action. Should I manually feed the BT that appears to be neglected by the clown, get a second clown (or if this would cause a problem, trade in my clown for a set that may divide and conquer so to speak) or will the BT be ok on his own (the clown does make occasional trips between the "summer home" and the "winter home"). I can probably do one additional clown from a load standpoint (although I have had a terrible algae problem for the better half of 6 months that will not go away).

Any advice from the sages is greatly appreciated by this super newbie.
A BTA is fine with no clown to host it, and vice versa. If you get a pair they will undoubtedly host the same one, assuming they host one at all.
I'd just either plan on target feeding the "other" one, or selling it if you don't want that extra chore.

But listed to other posters, as I'm far from a sage! :D