Bubbles from HOB Fuge - Help


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I got a small Aquafuge with the protein skimmer. I just set i tup on my new 30 gallon and it is producing ALOT of micro bubbles in the tank. The whole entire tank is bubbly. Can anyone give me advice on how to stop this. There has got to be a way to get ride of it.
it might be as simple the skimmer needed some breakin time. If it hasnt been used befor try soaking the skimmer in warm water, this will help remove the oils on the plastic and that might help out. If all else fails, throw some fine grain filter pad on the outport till the bubbles stop.
Alright. The bubbles have gotten better but they are still there. Also is it bad to put my fish back in with these bubbles? Could this cause somekind of internal problem?
if it is a cpr it will take a little time for it to go away. mine made bubbles for a couple of days but after that i never have had any more micro bubbles
Yeah it is a CPR, Good to hear that they will go away. So far i'm happy with the protein skimmer, I didn't think it would work that well but it is working good so far.
I don't have the skimmer version... but my bubbles went away after a few months.
The bubbles are almost gone now but I still hae Large bubbles coming out of the output. They arent blowing everywhere but they are just popping all over my light. Also when can I put Macro in it? I just set up the tank but all the live rock and about 5 gallons of water is from my old tank.....
on your out put in side the fuge plug it with your fingers for a second or two this will let the water rise then release it.. this gets the flow going a little stronger and purge out any left over air in the pipe. at least thats what i do when i get a bad gurgle sound or when it releases big bubbles