bubbles on live rock


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My tank has been running for a while now
I changed out all the bulbs (MH, VHO) and ever since then
there is alot of bubbles all over the rocks
the fishes and corals are doing ok
it seems like the tank is doing a mini cycle
any idea ?
The bubbles on the live rock could be many things. The new bulbs are putting more light into the tank now, so it could be an increase in photo synthesis from the algae on the rocks. You could be heading into an algae bloom of some sort.
In my experience, it usually means that I am getting an algae bloom. This is particularly true of a red cyano bloom, though it collects with other algae as well. In the case of cyano, it is usually in patches at least an inch or so across... usually 2-3 inches. I just came back from 10 days on travel for work, and have 5 such patches. My skimmer had not been skimming properly, and my tank sitters had been overfeeding big-time. Look very closely at the rock near the bubbles and you should see it.

I understand that algae blooms in general can also be triggered by new lighting, but they are usually short-lived (a few weeks). A mini-cycle is about the same thing, I guess, so it may be as you say. I'd blow it off the rocks.

The other things that have resulted in bubbles for me involve microbubbles getting into the system one way or the other. My sump getting low, a skimmer getting fussy, an air leak in a pump line causing an impromptu venturi, or a restricted pump inflow causing a vacuum and cavitation bubbles (have had all of these). It is one of Murphy's laws that whenever I change one thing (like lights) something different goes out just to maximize the confusion.


pbyrmartin;29121 wrote: My tank has been running for a while now
I changed out all the bulbs (MH, VHO) and ever since then
there is alot of bubbles all over the rocks
the fishes and corals are doing ok
it seems like the tank is doing a mini cycle
any idea ?

that sounds about right what is going on in my tank
I have been using a turky baser to blow off the rocks.