Bubbles on tips of coral.


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Can anyone tell me what's going on with this birdsnest coral?

I noticed one bubble on the tip yest or the day before. Now a couple are starting to form.

Is this normal, or do I have some sort of problem?

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That birdsnest looks like it has a purple tint to it.... if indeed it does, you'd better let me take it so it can be properly cared for in my tank. Wouldn't want things to get worse if you hold onto it...
Can corals get bubble algae on them?

Thanks Tony, you're always looking out for me. :tongue2:

I'd rather not blow it off yet, until I know what it is. If for some reason it is bubble algae, I don't want to spread it throughout my tank.
is it bubble like air bubble or bubble algae?

If it just air bubble then BLOW it off use a powerhead if need be. Don't worry about damage the coral, it more importance to blow off the aglea.

Check your tank for phosphate.
I do not think it bubble aglea either, but if it is then take the coral out of the tank and cut the coral near the aglea start.

Better to lose a little coral then have them all over your tank
I noticed similar bubbles on my candy canes, blew the bubbles off, and then they were back. Maybe our corals just have bad gas or something...
They look like bubbles... do you have random bubbles in other parts of your tank?
No, I haven't seen anything like this in my tank.

I am assuming that it is bubble algae that hitchhiked it's way on over.

I am going to cut the tips off where the bubbles are and keep an eye on it.
Dear god... that's taking it to the extreme. They seriously look like just air bubbles... not sure if you just glued them on the rock or if the rock you used is dry base rock that's still curing... maybe the bubbles emerged from the rock and floated its way to the tip of the coral. They do not look like bubble algae. I say grow a pair and just rub the bubbles with your fingers.
The bubbles look blue to me. If so, I do not know of a blue bubble algae...
If they are air bubbles, then it should be safe to just blow them off. If they look like they have structure to them... I would ask the pros on this one.
The only reason they look blue is b/c my actinics were on. I had to use the flash on my camera to take the pic, or it wouldn't have come out.

They have a silver coloring to them and I am not taking any chances with it even remotely being bubble algae. I would only be snipping off about 1/8" on 2 branches, so it isn't a huge deal, especially being that the frag is good sized.

The rock has been in the tank and isn't new and I did glue it down, but no other coral has this in my tank. So, being the wussie I am, I'm going to operate tomm morning.

Also, I don't think they are just air bubbles, b/c when I first noticed it, there was only one bubble. Now, a few have accumulated on the tips. Almost looks like the tips are producing the bubbles.

Anyways, I'm chopping tomm, so thanks for the help all.
I hope your future kid never gets blisters on their fingers.

"Sorry Jimmy, that finger's gotta go!"
That is an area where the coral tissue has died, and the skeleton is starting to expose. Microalgae is starting to grow on the skeleton, and is getting trapped in the organics from the coral tissue. I dont think it's necessary to cut that piece, but you'll need to figure out why it is dying back. Too much direct flow? Not enough? How's the light? Hows the water quality?
Oops, too late, I just chopped off the bubbled tips.

I only cut off maybe 1/8" on each tip, hardly noticeable.

The frag is on top of my LR and is getting a good flow across it. Not excessive, but a good amount. I have 2 x 250 MH and the water quality is excellent: Amm & Nit 0, Nitra 5, PH 8.1, Temp 78-81, CA 400, DKH 9.3, Mg 1200.

I finished screwing around with my powerhead placement, so I will keep an eye on it and see if this continues.

Wei, that would never happen, you are being ridiculous.

I would never name my kid Jimmy. (no offense to people previously named Jimmy)
I am not sure and someone probably already figured out what it really is, but kinda looks like egg sacks to me.
The eggs of the SPS would be quite small (as they are pushed out of the polyps).

Unless you mean egg sacs of another critter. Even still, I have seen this exact thing on a seratipora before, and it just kept receding and receding. And as the tissue receded, the algae would set it and create bubbles like so.
I was thinking of another critter maybe a Clown or something, but makes sense what you are saying.