bulkhead question


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I got a 40 breeder today that was drilled on the side and the bulkhead isn't on the way I want it to be.

Like the external threads or on the inside of the tank, and I want them in the outside.

I can just unscrew it and rescrew it the way I want it? This ok to do?
ah ok.

and another question just cause i'd like to know. If I didnt want the bulkhead where it is, how would I "plug" the whole and just drill a new one where I'd want it, Just curious. or possible use it as a return, but I'd like to know about plugging first.

For a plug, I would get another bulkhead the same size with internal threads and just get a PVC plug, paint it black, put some teflon tape on the thread, and screw it in there. It will be unsightly though, so unless you have some way to hide it behind rock or something, I would just use it.
Ok, i didn't think of that.

It's on the side of the tank which limits possitioning for display but thats all, i will most likely end up using it but I'm deciding how how I want to set up up right now.
I got it from thedeper and he said he had gotten it from someone who had it in a store i am not sure but that will be duly noted for safety and security. maybe he will chime in and say
well i got the bulkhead off and you wont believe what i used.... my bare hands.

it wasnt very tight when it was put on i guess but it smells new... if it can smell

anyway. now leaves time to think what I will do.
ah, cool, see now you ruined my glory moment of being strong. :mad2:

now continues the hard part, figuring out how I want to set-up the tank with the position of the bulkhead. thanks to everyone's advice who posted... I think I will build my over flow now I guess. :)
I dont mind it, only people who'll probably see it are me, my family and who ever comes over to see it. it site about 6" front the back of the tank and about 8"-10" down. here is pic of it:

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but anyway, i'll still be building the over flow, gives me something to attach a powerhead or some rocks stacked up next to it.
yea, i didnt like it to start but now I see the benefits of it, i'm in love. and i cant wait to see it built either.

all i got to do is finish the custom stand and find a sump or wet/dry and everything else too.

guy in midway, ga(near savannah) offered me, the rest of his LR and his pumps and power heads, and his wet/dry with protein skimmer and what ever else he has for $100 bucks.... now i just gotta get it from him
What I would do for the overflow, run a 90 degree fitting inside the tank pointed up. Then figure out how high you want the water level. Use a piece of PVC, and run it that high. The next part is hard to describe. Get a PVC cap that fits over the end of the pipe (whatever size you use, 1", 2", etc) and cut 8 slits in it using a hack saw or whatever, basically 4 cuts that go all the way across. Put these cuts on the bottom of the cap. Then you can slide the cap over the pipe and if the height is correct, it will work as a surface skimmer and maintain your water level, and it shouldn't look too bad, and you can build rock around it or whatever you want.

Just an idea...
i thought of doing that but i want to be able to skim the surface more so i have some acrylic and i'm pretty good with my hands so I'm gonna try it like the over flow boxes. is acrylic paintable?
Should be okay with some Krylon Fusion. Let it cure outside the tank for a week or so.
ok, i think I'll just use it as a drain for now but I'd still like to see it.