Bulkhead Question


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OK Guys after reading through every bulkhead thread i could find on here I still have a question that maybe is just so stupid no one else has had to ask..

What size Bulkhead do I need to use?

The tank is going to be a 90 Gallon with a 29 Gallon Sump.

Also what size Return piping should I use from the Mag 3?
You could get by with a 1" drain and 3/4" return. Are you planning on drilling the tank or does it have a built in overflow?
90g , i would use a mag 5 or 7. James is right. Buy a 1" bulkhead and 3/4" bulkhead.
Chris - you just brought up a great point, when I got the Mag 3 I had been talking with you about which one would work best but that is also when I was going with a 55 Gallon I think.

46bfinga - Going to be drilling the tank, ecause I'm working on a custom overflow.

michaelf1478 - Thanks, do you know if the size diffrence will matter if I have 2 overflows that are not going to be T'd off.
i have 2 over flows in my 125 and i use the same size pipe where i t'd mine off. you just want your return to be the same and your i guess you whould call incomeing water to be the same. thats how i did mine.
i'd go with a 1.25 drain, just in case you want to incorporate another pump into the system. nothing wrong with redundancy in this hobby.