bulkhead question???


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I am thinking about putting another sump next to the existing sump so I can do a fuge they will both be acrylic they will sit right next to eachother. I have no room in my stand to put any spacing between them or run plumbing in the front or back. My question is can I line a hole on both of them and install a bulkhead through both tanks? Could I use a gasket on both sides and silicone the threads. I have never used a bulkhead this way but I dont see why it would not work. Both tanks will be flush against eachother.
You coul dtry putting a gasket between the two. Or you could weld on the two sumps together.

Good luck :)
I think The gasket in the middle might work. I dont really want to bond them together because I'm not sure I could get them in and out of the stand in one piece.
Yeah, the gasket between the two would be your best bet. Also, if there is any way to put the bulkhead high up to reduce the amount of pressure i thas to hold against.
ares;202801 wrote: gasket between them seems iffy, water pressure is on the wrong side, pushing out instead of pushing in.

Id go with uniseals on both and a length of pipe straight through them.
Dont know if I can fit it. There is only a 1/4 inch between them if I push them as far as I can apart.
ares;203119 wrote: not with a quarter inch though...
Yeah A true union wont fit. I am going to try the bulhead with a gasket between the acrylic. The bulkead shouldl create the pressure to make the gasket seal.