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Afternoon folks quick question.
I have a butterfly fish and today when i got home i noticed that he seems to be staying right next to my flame angel following it all over the tank turning his side towards the flame and letting the flame pick at his body. Its not at all that the flame is attacking him, It 100% seems to me that he is doing it intentionally almost like he wants the flame to scratch his side for him or something (as weird as that sounds)

They have been in the same tank for about 6-8 weeks now, besides this activity all is normal, no spots or discoloration on the butterfly, eating normal swimming back and forth fine etc etc.... Any idea what would cause this activity?

Thanks for your time
Hmmm... sounds like he's presenting himself for a cleaning and thinks the flame is a cleaner type. Some fish are full-time cleaners and others are part-time... Could be that flames do this as a part-time gig. I have a 10 year old flame in my tank and haven't seen this occur but I do have cleaner wrasses so they prolly take his customers.