CA Reactor Question...


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I have a DIY CA Reactor I have working on for several months and although my tank right now does have to many hard stony corals I would like to in the near future. But my question is if I place reactor media in the chamber without a CO2 tank will the CA levels start to rise or will I need CO2 gas to really get the CA to disolve in the water column?

Please ask any questions if I did not give enough info.

with out any co2 the ph inside the reactor will be to high for the media to break down. It would be just like adding the media to your DT. With the adding Co2 it will lower the PH in the reaction chamber to let the media break. SO no there is no benefit in even running the reactor without CO2
You have to make the water in the reactor acidic to dissolve the water.

IF you weren't planning on using CO2, how are you building your reactor (desgin)?
skriz - lol i always planned to use CO2 i just don't have the CO2 tank, regulator, and bubble counter. because of funds i was trying to work in stages. :)

casper - thanks i think that answers all my questions...guess i need to find the rest of the equipment including the ph monitor/controller.


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